
I don’t really care about Tesla one way or another, nor do I care much about Elon Musk either.

Most truckers don’t want long haul routes.  They would rather be home every night at the end of their work day, which further strengthens your business case.  It would further help reduce turnover.

The American military is highly dependent on its satellites, much more so that Russia or China, so its satellites are very likely to be targets in any future conflict against them.

I did some Googling.  The new Charger will weigh almost as much as a mid 1970s Lincoln Town Car.  Yikes!!

I used to own a 2nd Gen Durango.  Never read/heard any complaints about its looks until now.

I don’t get this one. Are these people thinking they can leap from the car before the accident? Or are they scared of being trapped in a car fire?

For those of you who hate on Dodge Challengers because the design has changed so little over the years, please refer back to this article.

I heard the +2 seat coupe thing when I was a kid and believed it. The way I heard the urban legend was that if a brand new model only had two seats, it would be classified as a sports car, but if it had 4 total seats, it would be classified as a sports coup (or something like that) and initially, the insurance rates

The GMC Truck thing doesn’t make much sense. If they were actually made with thicker steel, wouldn’t GMC advertise this fact?

Then again, good luck getting laid with Mom and Pops across the hallway.”

If I were King, no EV would be allowed to have the word ‘Turbo’ in its model name.

Can we just assume any diesel engine created in the past 10 years that powers a passenger vehicle isn’t actually meeting emissions?

Is it safe to assume any diesel engine used for any passenger vehicle created in the past 10 years is emitting more pollution than the manufacturer claims?

It was before I got my driver’s license, but I remember the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was a different time.

I wonder if it was a similar kind of storm that sank the Edmund Fitzgerald?

Why doesn’t Jalopnik have a dedicated motorcyle section?

Facts matter, especially in journalism.”

How much over the road testing was done on the Cybertruck? Inquiring minds want to know.

“Rush” out the door?  this thing has been delayed for so long... no one noticed this during testing?

I agree with other here. I find it hard to believe The Donald knows how to drive a car with a manual transmission.