
Aww nuts!

Omg its finally happening!!!! Also f**k tht don coyote boss at the end of tale spin!!

 i stopped playing berserk to play horizon, ugh i can’t keep up, and now this lol

I bet if you watch nick at nite or tv land this joke has been said in some variation on every sitcom with hilarious results lol too bad for my boy colin m tho

i cant afford an i phone or healthcare 😢

Sticks and stones is a true phrase, but the straw tht broke the camels back surely applies in this situation too

I hate to be tht guy but, i wanted to see him kick tht bullies ass. Tht young idiot deserves it.

If she gets to be black, next week im gonna be a super saiyan!!

So wait they rode around in a truck with loaded guns, yelling at ppl and threatening ppl on the street and dont even get arrested!? Wow just wow

Are you supposed to have friends a back when they do something stupid? I dont do tht lol maybe thts why i have no friends lol

Was tht the voice of the poison ivy from batman the animated series!? Man tht was THE best show on fox kids network!!

Reminds me of when my mom used to say “if you dont know someone just wait, and they’ll show you”

This could be neat id like to see ryu hayabusa as bang shishigami, hayate as chip zanuff, maybe kasumi as may, and ayane HAS to be makoto!

My tax return was devoured by tht no insurance penalty :(

My tax return was devoured by tht no insurance penalty :(

Evil... heart... melting noooooooo!

Yup stuff like this is why i quit back before thanksgiving. I only worked maybe 12 hours a week and they were hounding me with quotas, telling me i wasn’t doing my job because customers weren’t taking receipt surveys, it was overbearing. i slowly started to hate gaming after working there for so long. Can’t say i dont

Interesting, so the same person must have made the teeth decisions in sfv lol