
I don't think the punishment is the point. Nor, really, is the Peterson case in particular.

This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker

While an adult may have a number of options when confronted with abuse – to flee, to fight back, or to seek help from law enforcement

Yeah, it's SOOOO much better to be told, and to believe without question, that YOU TOO can "rise above" and enter the ranks of the elite! You never will, of course...but it's the thought that counts, right?

The fact that she didn't list a Kardashian or Taylor Swift means you've done your job as a father

Serious question — how is this not a misdemeanor?

Why do you write these stories. Quit your whining. They get millions of dollars to knock each other out.

i stayed away from alcohol until I was 21. I may have gotten hooked on coke and weed in the mean time but at least I didnt get drunk underage.

You can't have an article about weird alcohol laws with out Utah..just Utah. Bad advice bringing your own booze to Utah...the local police throw the book at you if they catch you with alcohol that doesn't have the Utah seal of approval.

In Pennsylvania, if you wnt to buy a six pack, a case of beer and a bottle of wine, you have to go to three different stores.