
Was thinking the same thing. Been so long since I've seen the first movie I actually thought that article pic was someone's cosplay.

He does come across as an ass sometimes. But damned if I don't love him for it.

By that logic, wouldn't it be more impactful if a South Africa was cast? Interracial relations were outlawed until when again?

Blew my mind the first time I heard Stringer Bell speak in Idris Elba's normal British accent.

What I want to know is why the guy who has access to ALL the data/news/information is still lobbing conspiracy theory BS?

Hah.. someone really should have suggested he just keep his head down and not draw attention to himself today.

Or being born into a caste where you are surrounded by people who bend over backwards to gain your approval and never offering conflicting opinions because they like getting paid.

They're great tiny balls. Amazing balls. The biggest tiny balls ever. Best!

He's eaten some really great elephants. Excellent elephants. Sad!

So NPS released these photos, Trump didn't like it so he put a gag on NPS.. and it took a FOIA request to get them released again?

Wow, that's a blatant and poorly thought out lie. It's like you're completely unfamiliar with what the east coast looks like at 6:30am.

Hell the original Batman was basically a knock off of The Shadow. It was a few years before he really became his own character.

I've tried to counter that "original batman carried a gun and killed people" argument in the past, with varying degrees of success. I think I'm going to steal your awesome analogy because it is, quite frankly, perfect.

Ugh… I upvoted you before I saw your profile pic.

I wish I was as confident as so many others are that Trump won't make it to the end of his term.

It plays into Trump's narcissism. You know he ranks himself right up there with Gods and Geniuses.

Oh shit… I thought she looked familiar but it just didn't register.

Part of me hopes that these people don't actually believe the crap they're shoveling but they still have to shovel it since Trump is their boss.

True, but damned if that interview isn't funny as hell.

That woman gives me the heebejeebes.