
If you had asked my opinion about organic food a year ago I would have said it is for suckers with money to waste but the more I have learned about GMO’s and other processing that food goes through, the more I have tried to eat organic. The only way to make sure GMO’s are not in your food is to buy organic. Yes the

To the argument that organic can't feed the world: Despite persistent rumors to the contrary, long-term studies of organic farms show comparable yields to conventional farms, higher yields in drought or flood years, and higher returns to the farmer. In developing countries, organic methods actually increase yield.

No mention of GMO or genetically modified food in this article? That's kind of a huge omission.

The funny thing is organic IS the conventional way food is produced. They should have to label all other foods chemical added food instead pf the burden on organic being something "different." Being non-genetically modified(GMO) is reason enough to buy USDA organic...the companies don't even want to label anything as

My partner and I recently made the switch to a largely organic lifestyle because at the current point of research it is unclear whether conventionally grown food is detrimental health-wise to a degree large enough to warrant the cost. My point to him is I am unwilling to risk our health over possible issues we have

I do! It helps me to force my hand into staying home and cooking for myself vs. spending a ton dinning out. I'm trying to break some seriously bad eating habits formed in grad school and buying from the local organic farms around here has been a great experience! I've never eaten so well or felt better.

Sometimes, the terms "organic" and "all-natural" are merely hype. Keep in mind that rattlesnake venom is both organic and all-natural...

Yes, because it tastes better, I know where it comes from (it's all local), and I'm contributing to small farmers instead of monsanto. And it's really not that much more expensive if you know how to find it, in most cases it's actually cheaper.

I have graves disease. After much research trying to understand my autoimmune disease I decided to change my diet significantly and cut out processed foods switching to an organic diet. Sometimes I will "fall off the wagon" and when I d I notice a significant difference in how I feel and the way my body is processing