Prostitution should be decriminalized but pimping and soliciting should be illegal.
Prostitution should be decriminalized but pimping and soliciting should be illegal.
The Lilith Fund does great work for low income Texan Women
I will say it, damn I would totally find it if Kanye had interrupted her this year ! He created an artistic master piece . No other album made inmy lifetime has shook me to my corelike TPAB. I mean David Bowie’s Blackstar unapologetically and proudly was influenced by To Pimp A Butterfly. Also yeah reading the…
She may not of killed her dog but Taylor has in recent history
I actually was hoping that Kanye would interrupt her again because goddamn Kendrick should have gotten Album of the year. He fused jazz funk hop hop and spoken word to have a national conversation about race and personal authenticty but of course the Grammy goes to Americas White Princesss
1. It was pretty unsufferable when she inserted her self in a conversation on race from a WoCs perslective .