
@Subliminal Bukkake: This is true, the addictiveness of this game would proof the ad model more viable for them. Most games aren't addictive enough to be more profitable that way. I'd love to see the numbers compiled though prooving how additive a game has to be to go ad model.

This screams viral ad.

That was foolish, they could have made a million easy.

Taken off the app store in 3...2...1...

@m0unstr0: You bore the aliens to death and take over... duh

You know I threw away all that extra advertising crap when I got Origins, only to find out later I needed that one slip of paper in order to get the gollum. Boy was I pissed.

she looks pretty dang sexy to me.

Colbert was behind this somehow.

If you evolved on a cold plane, then you prefer the cold...

@waclark57: my janitor tried to teach me this move he called a Crane that involved him taking pictures of me....

Welcome to the 21st century. My kids are going to be so lucky and never know how easy they have it. that's right, I said it, the same phrase you heard your grandma say.

This is the very reason why I want to bored a space ship and explore strange worlds and strange civilizations. To see how other life evolved on their planets. And what kind of language they use.

@erichg14: dose your phone still vibrate when you have your sound off on your iphone and they call?

@Jon: hmm you're right, maybe I remember the debate at the time was that it was in development before matrix, or as you said it was saying the book came first therefore it had rights to the "idea".

@ZachMatthews: Not every sex offender is a disgusting perv the rest of their life. Some take the opportunity to get the help they need and are "cured". "cured" as in drug addicts are cured. But there's no way to remove yourself from the listings even if a doctor says you have things under control.

Or if you know there are bad files on it simply don't take it in for repair. It's very easy to do it yourself at home. The software only costs $50-$100 and all you need is an old hard drive to boot into windows to use it to recover the old one. Besides you're most likely replacing hte old one anyway so just buy a

@strays2k: man I loved that show, and I loved that girl.