

Japan was on the other side in WW2, so shouldn't Seamus have a rising star on her. And shouldn't be helping the men rape 1,000,000 Chinese women?

Why not donate that money to charity?

@JoshUng: He and Jon Stewart should fire Colbert and do 1 hour late night show.

@harlemite: Why would a bird shoot the guys leg to make him fly? Wouldn't he shoot his arm to make a wing, or his back to make 2 wings?

Viral hoax.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: That was exactly what I thought when I heard about this. For large corp networks there is not need for a USB port or disc drive. If you do have to do maintainance to a failing computer you can just take it physically and attach the needed hardware then, and only then.

@linux_is_better: He's that crazy uncle you can't help but love, but wish would just go away and stay in his corner. But no he's out in his boxers in the snow making snow angles with all the kids.

Some day I hope to bow before the feet of the Wizard of Woz and his amazing awesomeness. He's what every geek would do given multi-million dollars and alot of life left to live.

@wjbean: Woz is a wozessory to no one.

Jealous doesn't being to describe my feelings. Now doing this for 2 people that's some serious point spending.

@anitesh.jaswal: this sounds like a job for Mythbusters. The single greatest episode ever, they get to explode an ICBM in space destroying an old satellite.

@anitesh.jaswal: ICBM can't get enough height to reach the LOIC.

@wonderkrisp: Just saying caps is no where near as absolete as the A: drive. and yes I use CAPS to type ABC.