
I wanna see the middle finger just to see how apple fan boys react to it. It'd be a fascinating study in hero-worshiping psychology.

@DonLuc: No the Irish Terrorists.

why is there a "hump" from the engine to the passenger 2nd floor? Why not have it fully "bulleted" up that high. Unless there's some "spoiler" effect they're hoping for.

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin as Tinker Bell. (and of course this leads to Rule 34)

Atleast they didnt fire the guys working on it.

I'm still waiting for a mech MMO

Recall announcements. Short AAPL.

@leozuck: And the "blue shift" and "red shift" in the spectrum is how sciencetists know if an object is moving away from the recording device, or towards the recording device (ie the telescope on Earth looking at a star).

This is a classic example of "blue shift" of light traveling very fast but in a vector that's not parallel to you.

@qballdz: I'm getting Battlestar Galatica shivers reading all this CMU/DARPA articles.

Won't a laser based system be useless in a dust storm? Low light, no moon, conditions sure. But cloudy/dusty areas a laser based system is useless. Sonar would probably be slightly more useful, but not by much.

@cuentarepatito: Don't answer that knock at your door. Leave out the back and run. Throw away your wallet and anything on you that can ID you. Live off of cash your whole life. Go wait tables, or become a stripper, best way to live off of cash under the table. Don't try to contact any family members or friends.

@Bryce Jamison: But then you'd have a flying car (Red Bull gives you wings after all).

@AkkiRonin: They've been doing it this way for centuries.

@Shamoononon: 3 blocks from a High School somewhere in Chicago. Good luck figuring out which High School. But yeah, definitely was a HS student who broke it.