
I have the weirdest boner now…

Hank has an incredibly annoying voice.

Hank has an incredibly annoying voice.

Your IT guys suck. Gameological won't work on my Android tablet and this bullshit won't work on my laptop. You gotta stress-test this shit more before you're going to blow up.

Your IT guys suck. Gameological won't work on my Android tablet and this bullshit won't work on my laptop. You gotta stress-test this shit more before you're going to blow up.

I wish Cliff had been able to record more bass-centric instrumentals… time to play "Anaesthesia" again!

I wish Cliff had been able to record more bass-centric instrumentals… time to play "Anaesthesia" again!

Good mix!

Good mix!

You know, as soon as I got the chance I dove into Information Science. Library Science changes very slowly, IS is kind of where it's at. Too bad so many of my peers are technophobes.
@Whatwhatque : are you an archivist, children's librarian, or what? I would be happy to share job postings with you.

You know, as soon as I got the chance I dove into Information Science. Library Science changes very slowly, IS is kind of where it's at. Too bad so many of my peers are technophobes.
@Whatwhatque : are you an archivist, children's librarian, or what? I would be happy to share job postings with you.

NOOO! There are enough idiots in LIS programs already. Send her to business school or something.

NOOO! There are enough idiots in LIS programs already. Send her to business school or something.

Regular coverage, please!

Regular coverage, please!

Please cover this show!

Jessica Alba as Sue Storm in Fantastic Four?

Jeezum crow. Force 8 retard gale top to bottom.

That guy needs a good left cross.

Baldwin's moobs in Sharks in Venice are truly… something.