There’s no such thing as a bad dog, just shitty private equity dickbags.
There’s no such thing as a bad dog, just shitty private equity dickbags.
Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its…
So I am speaking from long experience when I say that the Washington bandwagon is very likely to be the most insufferable one ever to come rolling down the pike.
Another way for people to make money off of free labor.
This is more embarrassing than my unintentional smear campaign against Sports Illustrated when Kathy Ireland was on the cover.
I think you mean MAGAnificent asshole.
Anyone who did proper scouting on Lamar knew his limp-wristed throwing style was going to translate to the NFL.
That pass was blinder than a Hong Kong protestor shot in the eyes by the Chinese government.
That is embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as losing a playoff series because you couldn’t get your ass off the ice quickly enough to avoid an offsides!
locked and loaded for next time LeBron suggests that Kap deserves a job or the police should stop shooting unarmed black kids.
No matter what LeBron does, China is not going to suddenly (or even eventually) change a damn thing.
The Chinese government is not naive. It requires silence on Chinese political choices from its business partners as though they were Chinese citizens, and the NBA has offered just that.
Look we can debate LeBron all we want, but he's still never going to be as good at choosing money over taking a stand as Jordan was. #GOAT
shocking that someone employing an MLK quote on social media did not actually mean it
Ok LeBron, we get it.
The key thing here is there’s no reason for LeBron James to capitulate. Dude can say literally whatever he wants without ramifications, and with that power, what does he do? He goes to town on a boot leather sandwich. It’s just sad.
Craven capitulation to money I can understand. It’s gross but careers are short, whatever. But this is craven capitulation to the bullies in the Chinese government who are so shit-scared of what’s happening in Hong Kong that they’ve mobilized their worldwide army of ass lickers in support of their temper tantrum.
This is just fucking gross. Thats really all I can say about it.