I can appreciate that this was written as a news piece, not typical of Jezebel/Gawker Op. Ed. Hybrid piece. But atop all that,
I can appreciate that this was written as a news piece, not typical of Jezebel/Gawker Op. Ed. Hybrid piece. But atop all that,
Oh awesome another Jezebel history lesson, I love these, they totally help me not have to think for my self and come to my own conclusions with very in depth facts and nuanced deductio. Yay.
Meh, it was fun for a couple hours, but mostly not that ground breaking or anything. I would rather play The Taken King, I want to double jump in every FPS I ever play ever again, unless it is a Battlefield title.
OMG! I want that trapper keeper PS! NOW!
I don’t own a gun, don’t want one. As far as I am concerned it was built for a singular purpose which see in stories like this. Though I gaurentee that trying to take away guns on a serious level, not just piece meal legislature chiseling away bits and pieces of the whole, would cause a civil war in America…
Are you a fan of Fthismovie?
Creep-it is on Netflix, I know you hate me and think I’m full of shit, but trust me on this one.
Yay for sports!
AHHH! I wanna play!
Just one of many reasons I am an ant-theist/nihilist.
I had to use night vision goggles during the daytime to see that little bastard. Then I kicked him and Fulton Air Lifted that bitch to my base!
I definitely had to learn over time to just let go. First off, I never own more then one game at a time. I play the game till I feel I got my dollars worth and entertainments worth out of it, then I trade it in for something new. I rarely finish a whole story mode, unless I really enjoy the game. Ill get close but Im…
What’s a Jew?
Another wonderful Gawker article, well done. Put it in the scrap book for the grandkids, stellar writing.
Meh, at least you used a half ass Warhammer 40k reference, so kudos to that.
Seriously, I loved MGS4 online.
I’m so excited for this to be ready on PS4!!! I played the shit out of MGS Online for number 4.
Awesome, thanks for that update. That also makes a lot of sense, plus now I can read some reviews and get a better idea of the game. I just really enjoy those kind of strategy games and this one looks pretty cool. Something fun to play between classes and work on the lap top. Thanks for the none asshole response and…