
Omg...I love you.

This article is a joke, and kind of insulting to fat people. You are not fat! not by the standards you expressed at least, and it does sound like a fetish especially due to your last paragraph! I don’t believe you understand how a truly large person feels but you sure are eager to tell us all you love us! Way to go!

Oh shit, the last paragraph really gets me laughing, It is all good if you are fat, but you gotta love that you are fat or it is a no go! Sorry people that still suffer from being fat shamed and are dealing with it daily but you better buck up grab those man tithes and scream to heavens “I’m fat and beautiful!” Lol!



That may be so, but I believe you underestimate the christian voter base and its political arm to manipulate and use just this kind of person to boost support both financially and ideologically for religious freedom politicians. You are welcome to believe that she won’t be significant in say six months but that does

She never even read the whole book that is for sure, it is an amazing piece of literature!


That really isnt the point of a political victory. For her cause she has become a symbol for the religious freedom right which was jailed for her beliefs against a supreme court decision, though perhaps ethically correct, is disputed as a form of federal government overreach into state freedom. The judge should of

She is triumphant politically.

Agreed. Also if you read deeper into other reports of this story she converted two years ago, but didn’t find out about the alcohol thing till recently, so...must not of really researched that religion too much before hand huh?

Possibly because by current societal standards as long as you look like the people in the pictures no one particularly cares about the clothes and how hideous they are.

Thanks now I know the exact date I can’t buy it.

Yea, no... your attitude that everyone should be totally safe and out of danger at all times even during dangerous events is ridiculous. Get real, life it self on a daily basis is a risk of life and limb. Your attitude is what breeds the endless law suits against individuals who are most definitely not at fault for

I keep trying to tell people this. Use a fucking sniper rifle1

It can be short and sweet you don’t need to use non lethal, use a very lethal sniper rifle, shoot her till her health is gone, she doesn’t die. They mark her location in the middle of ruins no matter where you killed her and you get to choose to shoot her in the head or not. Simple took me like 10 minutes max.

40 min? Are you fucking kidding me?! That is fucking insane, it should not take more then 10 at the most, if you just run around the high lighted area and you see the sniper warning which will show up as soon as you are in her sights you shoot her, you only got to shoot her about 5-6 times depending if you get head

It is never too soon, if they don’t giggle or laugh at a good fart they aren’t my type.

Just a suggestion incase anyone hasn’t really done it yet, at the end of each game session I play I go back to base and do all my menu organization and if you are around some of your Diamond Dogs, boy are they’re conversations hilarious especially about the dog. I didn’t really notice it at first cause I was knee deep

Something I have noticed which I feel you should update in your article is when you upgrade something such as a gun, the arm, box, binoculars...whatever, it does NOT automatically upgrade what is in your current inventory. You must manually get it air dropped. So for example, I have a hand gun, then buy the silencer