
... lame until the primary depreciation curve huts, then it's a deal!

First round majors female eliminai. News at never.

Instead of relegation, there should be tiered revenue sharing. And a salary floor.


Tampa also beat the saints, Tennessee looked like a juggernaut at times, and Carolina has Cam Newton.

Media name scapegoat. Make top mention of scapegoat. Bemoan scapegoat psychology. Ignore prominent role in scapegoating.

It is sad but true. 

If anything Notre Dame was the second biggest winner last night because of how badly you guys got beaten, it lessens the embarrassment of their loss.

Dirigibles would help with weight, provide surface area for solar....maybe a long skinny one could get to 309 mph. 

Notre Dame will take one look at what happened to FSU and Miami when they joined the ACC and say no thanks

Ohio State was probably better than Oklahoma, but didn’t have a good enough regular season to qualify. Four team playoffs still rely on too much superficial judgement.

This is a two-horse year. The comments are full of dumb people that assume it will be like this every year.

UCF will never get in until an 8 team playoff.

Oklahoma was in because the Big12 had been snubbed a couple years in a row and they had the Heisman. Notre Dame was in because Notre Dame.

The playoff still has the problem of a BCS: a competitive conference leaving one or two good teams with 1-2 losses that would otherwise be competitive with other teams, which MAY

An electric bicycle would be way smarter. 

....... Man what a boring year in sports.

If the Timberwolves did this it would be 5 years of no 1st round picks.

Baseball should have relegation. It basically has all other aspects of european soccer.

Wait, it’s warm year round and you could possibly bike there...

Oh right, it’s a craptastic southern region that is hostile to anything besides cars. To be honest, I haven’t been there, but I’m just imagining it is like Houston, a city that should be a biking paradise but is just a cesspool of car-oriented urban

Psst, it’s called a pyramid scheme...

Watched him own the Vikings and Chiefs so far.

The defense may be bad yard-wise, but they seemed terrifying for some reason against the Vikings and Chiefs. Maybe they are gambling a lot and giving up big plays, but they are definitely getting in the heads of quarterbacks, pressuring, and disrupting the flow of the