
I found her CDL Instructor.....

You missed the joke twice now.

No worries. My wife does it all the time.

Theyre legally allowed to station 15000 troops in the crimea, something western media has chosen to overlook..

The craziest rumour I’ve seen is probably this:

“You don’t have the rank to be telling Tom where the cookie dough is.”

This is what I’ve never understood about these discussions. We’re literally looking into the past and our ability to do even THAT is fairly new. It just screams of hubris as people declare this stuff impossible.

No, we’re just too primitive ourselves to really be able to travel or reach out.

at least it isn’t as broken as this

What is YOUR favorite way that Star Wars could troll audiences?”

Bill Murray shows up. Sings Star Wars song. Wins Comic Con for second day in a row.

Two years later, the first children.

I want more life, fucker.

Don’t give anyone credit for being “smart” (whatever the fuck that even means). Give them credit because of what they know and how willing they are to learn. Astronomers know many things. And it is necessary for learning to be surprised when confronted with things you don’t know.

I’m planning to have my body (and its carbon atoms, specifically) forged into a diamond, which will then, possibly along with the iron from my blood, be incorporated into a sword which will be used to avenge my death. I don’t know if the diamond will coat the blade or if it will feature prominently on the pommel or