
cant help but feel underwhelmed by this... you rode sub to canal... no rpg dune guy appeared... you rode to gulf... no attack occured... you receive order to fire your salvos... you fire your salvos... they land somewhere probably killing many innocent people... then beer...

Next Stop:

insane fuckin article man. Japan is absolutely fucked up....

removing mapping and modding tools killed cod for me. You can only play 10 maps so many times...

if developers don’t take action, nothings gonna change... keep working for free, it’s the wave of the future... but hey you get food and a keg...

jesus how many more goddamn articles are gonna be posted about his woman beating, OK WE GET IT! don’t beat it into the ground!

That poor poor man, so tired from deleting social profiles all day.

too much mental masturbation in this article... its called baby steps, you get what you want one step at a time.

this is the best thing in the galaxy.

i dont understand, did nobody try to have nice calm long conversation with lucas to explain to him why changing the game up over and over again is very damaging to development?

middle class is still a crappy life... can't really do anything without paying for it with thousands and thousands of work hours...

is that after taxes

your own fault if you can't orgasm, go do some dam kegels.

**** careers man, seriously **** them. Why should i feel any other way when careers are designed to break you. I'm not gonna follow this articles advice to find ways to survive in the human livestock system, im spending my precious time working on my ticket out of here. Good bye and thanks for all the fish.

Every time we accepted a job offer, we were offered promises of stability and plenty of funding. We were told about the "project after this one," and no offer was given as temporary, or "for this project only." Instead of companies asking us if we'd stay for the long haul, we began asking them instead.

didn't America join the European theater of war in 1944?

I thought Crimea seceded, why are these blatant lies in the article?

We're complaining cause the MTA has raised prices multiple times while spending money on the most retarded things such as destroying and reconstructing a random subway stop somewhere in brooklyn when it wasn't broken in the first place, and that does not have large traffic going through it. Yea they look prettier but