They’ve bitched about morale and unit cohesion for every minority transition in US military history. Race, women, LGBT; none of the studies at the time showed any negatives. It’s ridiculous that they’re just keep trying.
They’ve bitched about morale and unit cohesion for every minority transition in US military history. Race, women, LGBT; none of the studies at the time showed any negatives. It’s ridiculous that they’re just keep trying.
..his house was the crime scene for the Polanski rape, and he was kind of at the epicenter of that social scene.
Um no, one major hallmark of being an adult is telling your parents “no”!
I think sometimes people are too quick to think that any case that results in a death should carry a criminal sentence.
Definitely. I’m actually surprised more super famous actors haven’t been accused so far but I guess it’s coming. Sexual harassment is so prevalent today, it was undoubtedly worse 20 to 30 years ago.
I once went to a really obviously expensive wedding, and at the reception the massive fucking floral arrangements made it impossible to see half the people at the table.
There also is so much strange and disturbing sexualization of female children in a lot of the “great” movies of the 1970s - it doesn’t surprise me that many of these stories have been about underage girls, it makes sense that there were have some folks somewhere involved in the making of these movies for whom that…
If the entertainment industry were really the gender-blind capitalist engine that some people propose (“they’re not casting men because they’re misogynist—that’s just what the market dictates is going to sell!”), then studios would start building major movie franchises, talk shows, etc., around women as a risk…
I’m not saying they would be rape or sexual assault but there’s a lot of crap they like to keep hidden.
Stallone is now threatening to prosecute her for allegedly filing a false report.
Just a heads up, this shit does NOT end just because you get married. I’ve been married for 5 years, and we’re still guilted into making the pilgrimage to both houses (they’re only about an hour apart, but 3 hours from us) each Christmas and Thanksgiving. I think you gotta add a kid to the equation to get out of it.
I’m Gen X, and I think millennials are great. There’ve been some goofballs, but most of the millennials I’ve worked with have been hard workers and serious people.
Plus the broach she was wearing to meet the new mixed in-law was a nice touch (shake head)
Using a limited amount of funds and vacation time to fly across country then drive hours to the parents home just isn’t worth it.
How do you even figure out what’s food and what’s decoration? “This marzipan frog is kinda waxy.” “That’s because it’s a candle.”
In order: my mom, no one, you don’t. We frequently have to clear the table before eating.
You are precisely correct. It’s all right there if you look at all the films. The three connected masters all had a burden that almost broke them into isolation. It actually has a beautiful symmetry to it.
This table is missing garden gnomes.
I guess it would provide conversation.
those frogs look like the decorations from the 70s that my grandmother still has in her guest bathroom... they don’t belong near food.