
The first time I ever heard the dastardly word “tablescape” was when I was trapped in a doctor’s office waiting room and Sandra Lee came on.

Hot Taek: The Sandra Lee tablescapes are ugly af. I mean what is this?


Her father was a Nazi. The Apple didn’t call far from the tree.

It took me two years to get starred on Gizmodo, then I got starred on Jez and Gawker in the space of two months. Hamilton starred me, unstarred me, then starred me again.

To this event. She did it on purpose.

It’s Rich’s pick, so of course he would.

if you are into video games, it was an amazing year. nioh, nier automata, horizon:zero dawn, probably the most revolutionary legend of zelda since the 90's and a really strong mario brothers game. the real world was terrible but there were some strong video game worlds.

Ah yes, the Thinking and Drinking event. What a fiasco!

Heh. Yes to all of this. (In my other version of this family get-together, they all just sit around silently staring at Meghan Markle).

Currently, increasing Trump’s chances of a fatal meltdown by a good 10-15%.

Do you think, like most families, they all sit around staring at each other uncomfortably while realizing how little they have in common?

*reads post and comments*

Ha! Who knows? We might not even have internet access for more than a few more years...

Believe it or not, she is a prodigy and had a good job working as an editor and writer at 17 when she started at Rookie, so I guess we should ALL die.

I did this and it turns out I was a huge bitch obsessed with Battlestar Galactica. 

I’m in love with Hazel’s simultaneously very sincere, but very ‘I’ve got this, I’m coool, yeahhhhhhhh’ expression while distinctly embracing/cuddling a Torah (capitalized?). I don’t know why it amuses me so, but it does.

Shouldn’t we have a doctorate or something, by now?

What were the commenters of Jezebel doing in 2007? I’ll start.

Where’s the Finger??