The Kano Computer kit is a great teaching tool to show kids how computers are built and programmed, and at $61, it’s…
The Kano Computer kit is a great teaching tool to show kids how computers are built and programmed, and at $61, it’s…
Ever since GameStop left, Puerto Rico’s become a big market for digital game sales, too. I bet if PS Plus and XBox Live do a census, PR proportionately has larger sales per capita than pretty much any other US territory. Online gaming is huge here, too. You can find a Puertorican player in pretty much every lobby for…
Long-time reader, never thought I’d read anything related to my island here; had to make an account just to react XD. Thank you for this. Most of the southeast and center of the island is still dealing with inhumane conditions, and those of us that live elsewhere in PR are trying to slowly adapt to our situation.…
¡Neo Japan en la casa!
Thanks a lot for this story, Ethan.
“Don’t you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!”
I assume every explosion is terrorism until proven otherwise.
It’s an Avalon. I gaurantee they were standing right in front of the car and didn’t realize it.
To be fair, it was an Avalon. Probably blended into the parking spot.
I’d give them a 5/7
When you see a Lambo or Ferrari, automatic assumption? Pontiac Fiero with a body kit. (At least, if you grew up in the 80s/90s).
That was a nice Lambo... before it was upgraydded. Upgraydde spelled with two D’s for a double dose of that pimping.