
Some info for older folk (like me) who love Chucks but who don’t want to be crippled by their lack of support: It seems like many of the higher end models have removable insoles so you can replace them with ones that are actually good, like Superfeet insoles.

Some info for older folk (like me) who love Chucks but who don’t want to be crippled by their lack of support: It

I’ve been in a similar situation to your brother, and uh, that “the courts were biased to mothers, I really tried” line is usually bullshit.

That Nando’s is in the UK, not the US. I’ve been to the Nando’s on Park Street, the one where they ate.

Cold Comfort Farm. It is always what I turn to, book or movie, when I am grieving or scared.

I was delighted to see this on Jezebel today. Wee Weegee was a lost, artistic, music nerd girl living in rural Kentucky. I always embraced female role models who weren’t conventionally “girly”. When I read about Cosey for the first time and discovered that this artist, this innovative woman was one of the pioneers

Cosey Fanni Tutti? Fantastic.

Now playing

Fun Fact: Cosey is one of the dancers in the video for Sylvester’s You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real).

Love Throbbing Gristle, love Cosey, don’t love how she’s been rendered a footnote in the focus on Genesis and the male band members’ activities, LOVE that you did this interview, thank you! I was a weird art kid who grew up in a fundamentalist cult-like environment, so learning other weird art people existed and made

I’m glad to see Throbbing Gristle getting some attention. I had no idea they were taken seriously. I was a big fan during their heyday.

Fantastic. Good to her from her again.

As a big TG fan, thank you guys for doing this interview. TG is one of those groups that rarely get any acknowledgement for their influence and when they do, it usually focuses on Gen or Sleazy.

I like “Pleasure” more. But I am excited for her new album.

Has some serious PJ Harvey vibes going on. Cool.

Fuck This Feist Song Sounds Like a PJ Harvey B-Side

born and raised in the heart of NYC. this city is a tragic shell of its former glory. the number of natives leaving is something no one talks about - just the folks who came for an “experience” or whatever and then wrote some dumb essay about going home. and yes i find them equally annoying. but everywhere i travel

I watched this transformation for a lot longer than I’d like to admit.

Yeah, that sounds about right for someone who does all their advertising on the subway. I KNOW that’s just elitist bullshit (because why not advertise where people are basically forces to look at your ads), but companies that do are so often shitty. I speak from experience.

Shit, I think I saw this guy, when I was doing an internship in NYC in the late 90s. If it wasn’t him, it was someone whose info I got from a subway ad. For some reason my skin fucking HATED New York — I had pretty bad acne all through my high school and college years, but it just went nuts the six months I was there.