
I meant in dog years

Internet years? What's the conversion rate there?

In the same thread (I haven't been able to find it in any of the pasta sites) there are two other great stories… the one that made me almost poop my pants was one about some Louisiana Voodoo.


It took me reading many comments until finally realizing that the article doesn't say "rides a jet ski with him".

I read that as Sundance confession stands…
More like Sindance, amirite guys??

Perhaps it's only slightly relevant to what you said, but I do think it's crazy that all foreign film is condenced into one category.

Even more interesting is that the Grimm's themselves censored and changed the fairy tales they transcribed, after getting poor reviews for offending the Victorian morality of the time.

You saw your chance and you took it.

How do I deal with being "too intense" for guys? Should I turn it down?

So… the kid-friendly version of Two and a Half Men?

I love talking about reality shows like they were in a wildlife documentary.

I really, really want Jon Hamm to read this in real life.

I am loving these articles because Mad Men is a series rich in symbolism and artistry. More than anything, I wish the connection between Don's redemption arc and the different stages of the Bardo were explored. After the Bardo (Tibetan Book of the Dead) was mentioned by Tim Leary in one episode, the fact that Don is

I thought he was alright in his first few appearances, being successful at asking Penny out thanks to his confidence. Why did they need to make him such a pathetic sad sack all of a sudden?

It's always funny to see how the amount of up-votes for these pun threads decreases the deeper you go.

"You know… clowns can get away with murder." - An actual murderous clown

Because hopefully you played better than that person.

I hadn't thought about in-game punishment, although I almost wish that was a real thing… maybe having the Sims turn and look at the player's direction menacingly for a couple of seconds.

Back then I was sure that my computer was possessed by an angry Sim spirits, wanting revenge for all the pools without ladders and rooms without doors.