
Step 1. Draw a circle.

Entering without permission.

Needs more Dittochu

This one is missing!

Don't forget Bulbasaur.

I now REALLY want a Bioshock that looked at an alternate female Booker. Now THAT would've been my GOTY.

3 years is a long time ... long long time

Yes because the Dark Souls crowd is the Yoshi crowd...

I was eating cereal and I spit out a bunch of milk when I read "Who are the Ha-Ku-Na Ma-Ta-Ta?".

Barack Obama, champion of the 99% of patch sizes.

Why not wash it down with something like this?

*puts mouth around the big rod of meat*

No. Bad advertiser. Bad.

You don't and you aren't the target audience for Steambox.

The screen is plenty big enough for most games. You can even read the small texts on Assassin's Creed Black Flag on it. Which is pretty impressive.

Misleading headline :(