
I like the idea of Blitzball - both as an in-universe sport and as an element in the game. I like the idea of underwater soccer played in three dimensions. I like the role the sport plays in Spira, bringing joy to an otherwise joyless world. I like having the main character be a professional athlete in the sport

Just as an FYI, the game mechanics of Blitzball (mixing RPG elements when the ball carrier meets with a defender) was straight out of Captain Tsubasa soccer games that have been popular in Japan since 1988.

As much as I liked One Piece Live Action, I would rather wait for the strike to settle positively for the actors.

I don’t know Resident Evil, yet I’m here to complain about it.”

Nice work, chief.

Who are the new Tears of the Kingdom characters?

throw yours into the trash, then ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

Please show up in Fortnite.  Please show up in Fortnite...

Congrats to Sony for finally doing what they should’ve been doing two years ago. Better late than never.

Sounds like the AI might take jobs away from real, hardworking assholes. 

the cynic in you is dumb

It’s less of a pose when you’re actually a skateboarder/gamer. 

she’s younger than me and Ive been gaming since i was little, not sure why it’s difficult for you to imagine.

I just want to say thank you for not making this into a slideshow. feels good to be able to easily read a list of stuff again

spoken like a person who’s never had to work a food service job. 

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Hamburglar, and Hell followed with him.”

Biblically-accurate fast food mascots

Grimace has awakened to his true form, and is going to bring about the Third Impact

“I Would Really Like to Tell Everyone My Opinions, So I’m Going to Act Like This is a Big Deal When It Really Isn’t”

what im getting from this is that in order to see more behind the scenes footage of game development and a better understanding on how triple a games are produced, we need to generate takes so nightmarishly bad that developers will have no choice but to dunk on them