
Whys it in English? Last I checked, Spanish was the predominant language in the Philippines.

A lot of dead Russians. They may get a few lucky shots off, but for the most part, they dont train nearly as much as we do. Their methodology and technology are still based around the idea of a ground based intercept (although changing from what I can see). Against Eagles & Falcons they may get a lucky shot in.

yep, just seems as though for the wars that we are fighting, a SSGN is a perfect solution. Maybe it makes sense to purpose build one.. I do give the Navy credit for thinking to modify the Ohio’s for this role. Very smart.

Maybe.. But I question any Navy out there, that is not allied with us being able to find a Ohio, let alone a NextGen SSBN/GN. Even if our allies turned on us, I seriously doubt they could hunt one down without their navy getting obliterated in the process.

Fool, thats Supreme Leaders suggestion of Air to Air Combat. Make them believe you are running, then shoot behind you. Traps a Capitalist every-time.

AIP = Limited Range, and still not a true Submarine. If our country was geographically in a different spot (Asia, Europe, Etc) then it may make sense. When you are patrolling around the straights of Taiwan and coming out of a West Coast base, Nuclear really helps.

Each Ohio SSGN brings to the fight 154 tomahawks. That's a lot of Virginias on station to replace that in any opening stage of a conflict.

One would hope that they would think about purchasing a few Ohio replacements specifically for the SSGN role. I know it's a pipe dream, but would be very useful.

If they can solve the energy issue for a solid state laser, then I wonder how far behind a rail gun mounted in this sucker is. Ouch!!

Agreed - But dont compare the Russian Military to a Western Military. No way is the USN firing off SM2’s in New York Harbor. Unless of course, we are at war.. :)

B.S. You are giving the Chinese much to much credit. In a war scenario, those CBG’s are not going to be sitting there waiting on a Diesel sub to sneak up. In a war scenario, that sub (as quiet as it is) is going to need to get through destroyer screens, and SSN screens that are *looking* for it.

I’ve agreed with a lot of what you have said - but dont be naive into thinking the CBG’s dont intimidate the Chinese. Putting for CBG’s w/ full air wings off the coast of China (out of short range missile range) will basically shut down there economy, nothing in, nothing out. Put 20 or 30 Fast Attack subs around them,

Interesting. I was perhaps under the false impression that the technology that the Military was sold on in 2001 was actually their. It sounds like it was more a promise of ‘Hey, we have some great ideas..’.

I get it - But once again, the time frames are way the hell off. I’ll go back to the F-16, it went from paper RFP (1972) to First Flight in 1974, to full production in 1977/78. 6 years from paper RFP to full production. F-35 is going on 20 years, and no where close to full production.

Better Question - When was the last BVR Kill. I cant think of ANY.

So, your telling me the F-35 code base is based on Turbo Pascal 6.0? :)

Maybe - At a political level i’m sure all of those countries would agree. Convincing the population, and not losing support for your government though, not sure they would do it. They have sold the narrative of Israel Bad / Arab good for to long to their people. As much as what you say makes sense, I just dont see

Oh, I get it.. I just dont understand *why* its still under development. The contract to develop the X-35 was signed in 1996, first flight in 2000, award in 2001.. If you go back to 1996, you have had 20 years to write code for this thing. Granted, i’m sure someone didnt sit down at a terminal and start coding in

How in the hell does it take 16 years of development (contract awarded in 2001) to build software to shoot a mechanical gun!?!?

Syria had one reactor, close to the border with Israel (Relatively). Iraq had one reactor, albeit much further away then Syria. Easy targets to bomb comparatively speaking to taking out all the Nuclear infrastructure in Iran.