Insane. These things will be sitting ducks in the case of a war with any state that has a few anti-ship missiles. We should send Hagel the link on Wikipedia to the Falklands war.
Insane. These things will be sitting ducks in the case of a war with any state that has a few anti-ship missiles. We should send Hagel the link on Wikipedia to the Falklands war.
Your english is quite good Comrade. Unfortunately, the sanctions were put in place well after the violation of the treaty.
Hah.. People are people around the world. For the most part, people have a reason for doing what they are doing other then just being 'dicks'. Always curious as to what that true reason is.
Oh, sorry..No Thats a typical Russian response which I would expect. :) Sometimes us in the West get to 'wordy' and 'politically correct' in our responses. Love the Russians..
So, did some quick researching on my end. Like you said, i'm not sure we will ever know whats in there mind, however they do state a few things:
So - Whats the other side of this coin? Like everything else, there is a reason for doing what they are doing that usually makes 'sense'. IE, the Ukrainian, and Georgian war, when viewed from the side of the U.S. Media is usually viewed as a unprovoked belligerent act by a country that just wants to bully there…
Until a German shows up. :)
Parents seemingly raised him right. To many kids will think "Yeh, hes a dick, but im not going to turn on my friend". Takes a lot of balls to do that, especially for a teenager.
Also - I ordered something from them a week ago and they shipped it loose and it looked like it was run over by a truck. I know they cant control what UPS does with it, but just slapping a sticker on the bare box instead of putting it in a padded 'Walmart' box like Amazon would have really pissed me off. I wont…
Also - I ordered something from them a week ago and they shipped it loose and it looked like it was run over by a…
Love it.. So, the only combat ready force there is a wing of F-22's? Not downplaying the F-22, but seems like a lot of area to cover for a small force..
I'm dumbfounded.
Was that joke? Please tell me that was a joke.
My guess is this is more aimed at Internal Russia, and not really trying to convince anyone outside of Russia with a 3rd grade education or higher. Like most other petty two bit tyrants, your going to be more concerned about your own people then other countries.
Interesting. I think if I was the Canadians i'd be buying CF-18s. What are the odds of Canada going to war without the U.S.? On top of the fact, if they did get involved in any sort of fight, the odds of them fighting against anyone with anything superior to a CF-18 is probably pretty low. If they did find…
Because we like freedom of trade. Call me when some other responsible power can provide that globally.
This article is about Republicans gaining ground because young voters didnt get out to vote. If the democrats wanted to get the vote out, they controlled the presidency, and senate for the last 6 years. I never saw or heard one thing about them changing the time/date of public votes.
Was going to post the same thing. Russia is the equivalent of the High School quarterback/prom king working at jiffy lube in his mid-30's.
From what I have seen, it generally comes down to a few things:
It makes you feel better to say that doesn't it. Keep believing that.