"If we do, call us out for it."
Kind of hard to do that when we're being censored, dismissed, or the Internet is being flooded by anti-gamer propaganda by the writers we're calling out.
"If we do, call us out for it."
Kind of hard to do that when we're being censored, dismissed, or the Internet is being flooded by anti-gamer propaganda by the writers we're calling out.
*picks up coin on ground* *hears "Super Mario Bros." coin sound*
I call it "enhanced reality", personally. :)
Hey, I'm all for equality! Maybe we should even the playing field by giving every male and female character in games like these two outfits: a realistic, practical one and a completely useless, beefcake/cheesecake one. :)
I don't agree with the article's rebuttal of the "Male barbarians also fight half-naked!"…
I've learned from past experience that there's enough degradation and trolling on Kotaku itself. It's too bad there isn't some kind of ignore or block feature here.
And people wonder why I hate companies these days forcing us to play multiplayer games...
I'm male, but I can't tell you irritating it is to have some dumbass teenager trash talk me by calling me a faggot and god knows what else while I'm just trying to play a game with others in peace.
The only thing laughable is your attempt to mock and ridicule anyone for disagreeing with you. If my raft's sinking, then yours would be at the bottom of that trench in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
There's no contradiction here except the ones you invent to fuel your ego, sense of smug superiority, and maintain…
Like a train wreck, I just can't seem to stay away...
"Once again, your very actions indicate otherwise, as you continued your farce while your foundation deteriorated."
I believe you've confused me with you. You haven't worked in game testing while I have, and you have spent this entire commentary speaking with…
"Ugh... you're literally just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point.."
Which is why I'm stopping here, since you're doing the exact same thing. To quote Winston Zeddemore, talking to you is like talking to your own armpit, and just about as productive. I have better things to do with my time than argue with you.
"As far as *you* know... and seeing as how there's no way you've worked in every gaming company around, there is no way you can definitely say that. Not with any credibility anyway. You're sitting here trying to speak for everyone and everything by saying what is and isn't required. If it is, than an error like this…
Ugh...this "controversy" is ridiculous. Mojo Jojo might look show accurate in that picture and the girls might be the same relative size they are to him in the cartoon, but they certainly aren't proportioned like kindergartners (unless kids these days have a B-cup). They're clearly meant to be older, i.e. teens or…
You seem to be obsessed with nitpicking language and wording. So fine, here's a definitive, ambiguous answer.
Making changes to the final build is not allowed by any hardware manufacturer as far as I'm aware. If you attempt to make any changes after it is submitted and approved, you're risking fines, financial loss if…
"So, while unorthodox, your choice in wording reaffirms that it does happen."
I was being extremely charitable. It only happens in the case of games that get patched after the fact as far as I'm aware. When you submit an as-yet-unreleased game and the manufacturer approves it, they're approving the version of the game…
"Then what happens if a glitch is found during that play through?"
They delay submission, send it to get fixed, and repeat the cycle until they get it right.
"Unless this glitch was created by patching something else after final submission."
You don't generally make changes to the code after final submission. That's why…
"I suppose they're supposed to replay the entire game from the beginning every time they patched something?"
"Yeah, I have a hot romantic tip for you. Next time a woman rejects you, tell her that you are going to report her to your union and organise a strike in protest until she agrees to dinner and a movie. It will work like a charm. ;-)"
Translation: "I have no proper response, so I will engage in strawmanning and hope no…
"It's not a fucking job interview. Holy crap, if any guy actually thinks about relationships that way it's no wonder he has trouble finding one."
First, I was explaining possible rationales behind someone's negative reaction. The whole "he's just pissed off because he didn't get laid" argument is tired, inaccurate,…
No you don't, actually, but thanks for playing the game.
That's one possible explanation. But here's an alternative one:
According to a survey, women consider 80% of the men on OKCupid below average in the attractiveness department. Ouch. Maybe someone's setting their standards a wee bit too high there. :P