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    That goes for everyone who is in the entertainment biz who are starting out, then. I don't assume that if you were 21 and starting out and a woman you are always coerced into something that you have no control over and you have no say in your sexuality. Nobody questions Justin Bieber or men in entertainment if they

    I don't know if I agree with that because I think people infantilize female singers and say they are controlled by corporations and dudes and can't make decisions for themselves. Of course I don't know Miley Cyrus in person but she has said in magazine interviews(like the recent Elle one with Tavi) that she is not

    But it's not like absolutely nobody complains about "sexualizing" once people reach 18, and accept that people over 18 have their own sexual agency, or anything. It just seems like we are still being extremely puritanical and associate shame with sex, and are willing to look for any chance to shame people for their

    Wait I think we are misunderstanding each other, I thought you were saying that there are inherently "feminine" and "masculine" traits because a) you said that you don't get offended by people who are more masculine or feminine than you, whatever those terms mean b) you also said that you think there are categories

    "modesty" is mostly a made up concept to keep women shamed and in line. There is no actual ground in that you need to keep yourself covered up as a woman to remain virtuous.

    I am curious. What is "sexualizing" even mean? Human bodies are inherently sexual, and we are sexual beings. If one has a body, and wants to feel good in your body, and be sexy, is that always bad? Can we always unanimously judge who is "sexualizing" and who is just, being sexual? And is it so bad for anyone to use

    But do you always agree with what is labelled as feminine, or so-called feminine traits? Because I think most of the time such terms are biased and doesn't really mean anything - like saying that wearing something bright and soft is "feminine." or having a more docile personality is "feminine." I don't really see

    I'm curious, because you seem to have the same opinion as me - that certain things shouldn't be labelled as gendered, like "feminine" toys and masculine toys. I also absolutely agree that gender is mostly social performance. However, you explain that you don't hate "masculine men" or "women who are more feminine" than

    I already responded in my comment and agreed with you that "we shouldn't act like everything women do is immune to criticism." But you are using an isolated incident of your twitter to explain why it might be okay to generalize women. So I disagree.

    That is very true, and I also have seen parents with adoptive children who look very much alike - because they live together for years, and they all imitate each other's faces and habits. But at the same time, if it is an inherent desire in you to really have a biological, genetic children, who are we to point fingers

    That's not how j.cruel phrased it - I was disagreeing with her that she thinks we all owe everyone an explanation for things we do, especially our procreation choices. I agree that silencing is not the answer for anything problematic, and also that we should speak up about things we see as problematic - but not

    That's a good point.

    I disagree - I think we do not owe others explanation for our behavior, if we are not harming anyone. If we did, then we would have to be explaining ourselves for every single choice we make, our sex life, our car. It's not her issue if you have a problem with her procreation choice, it isn't hurting you at all. You

    I see your point but I feel like we shouldn't be judgmental towards how anyone chooses to have a baby.

    Why is Andi's preference of sleeping with both guys even an issue? Other Bachelors on the show regularly slept with more than 2,3, or even 5(that curly haired Bob guy) contestants at a time at the fantasy suite. Just google. Have we ever questioned their intentions? No.

    Why is Andi's preference of sleeping with both guys even an issue? Other Bachelors on the show regularly slept with more than 2,3, or even 5(that curly haired Bob guy) contestants at a time at the fantasy suite. Just google. Have we ever questioned their intentions? No.

    Thanks for defining my feminist journey for me. But all feminists are the same, right? Right.

    The thing is that those things, like how annoying people on your twitter are all women, say nothing about any gender. Not all women do A and not all men do B. You could observe trends, of course, and I agree with you that we shouldn't act like everything women do is immune to criticism. But "feminists" and "women" are

    It says a lot about you when you think women asking to be treated like equal human beings is so outrageous that they deserve to be called nazis.

    I personally think that not everyone has to be obsessed about feminism, but if you are a decent human being, and a woman at that, then you should really be a feminist = aka someone who believes in women's equal rights. If she doesn't care about women's equal rights, then I feel kind of icky that she is profiting from