
And nothing, nothing will be done about it. The fox is not only guarding the hen house, it’s living in it now, and the Dems are all ineffectual Harvey Milktoasts.

They’ve always been around. Anyone with the misfortune to deal with far-right trolls over the past decade has seen this stuff. They’re just much bolder now. They’ve got champions in high places, and a lot of places online stopped moderating them or throwing them out.

I wouldn’t trust this administration to solve the hidden pictures puzzle in Highlights Magazine, let alone who desecrated the cemeteries. And it’s disgraceful that 45 ignored these incidents for almost a week and his weak-ass statement on Tuesday doesn’t mean shit.

My synagogue was physically vandalized*. An Indiana synagogue was shot at. A Jewish community center in Dallas had swastikas drawn on it. The vandalized cemetaries were in the US.

Even if the calls are overseas, there’s still plenty of homegrown hate to terrorize us.

* In full disclosure, police aren’t sure whether the

a la Spicer.

Good thing they’re stepping in, because all this economic insecurity is really getting out of hand.

That may be, but the cemetaries with the actual physical damage were in Missouri and Pennsylvania.

I live in DC and the first Nazi salutes I saw started on election night. Neo Nazis have been out in force since then, a kid I know got arrested for a hate crime with his group of skinhead buddies two weeks ago. They’re coming for us and it’s scary. 

Anyway, the only thing I want to hear from this administration is that it’s planning to resign. Time to hand it over to the rightful winner. They are out of time with me. I don’t want to hear anything else from them. They are part of the Federation and a traitor; take them away.

A bit more heartening for me are those tweets from that ex-NSA fellow who quoted an anonymous former associate of his in the agency in the aftermath of the recent North Korea launch. When asked, “what next?” that associate apparently replied, “Now we go nuclear. [Trump] will die in prison.”

Starred for KKKeebler elf.

One of Putin’s oldest tricks, one that he learned from the KGB, is to get compromising information on targets, usually sexual in nature. Judging by the history of GOP members either fiddling boys, utilizing prostitutes, or just committing the terrible sin of being gay, I’d guess the connection goes deep.

It’s almost like evidence indicates we suck at our particular form of democracy that gives our leaders the freedom to deceive people.


When I first read this, I thought, “Oh God, I hope the FBI investigates and brings this Keebler-looking motherfucker down,” but then I remembered the FBI is run by a man who couldn’t find his own ass with a monkey, a map, and a flashlight... Where’s the whiskey?

WOW. How deep does the Russia GOP connection go? The future doesn’t look too bright for the KKKeebler elf.

Republican reaction:

His friend Vladimir, who’s really cool, told him all the cool countries don’t really care about diplomacy, it’s really about how macho you are and push the press around, so it’s a great cost savings to shut down your state department.

Trump’s first executive order was an across the board Federal hiring freeze. Poitions across all agencies were pulled. It is good for at least 90 days and will then be reconsidered, but any hiring after that is expected to be limited.

Ellie> I’d email you this tip, but I’m lazy.