yup. guess what? a very large percentage of women who have abortions already have children and they are thinking about the best welfare for their entire family and their REAL LIVE EXISTING children.
yup. guess what? a very large percentage of women who have abortions already have children and they are thinking about the best welfare for their entire family and their REAL LIVE EXISTING children.
Four months ago, I would cheerfully, blissfully, and enthusiastically said, “AND I AM HERE TO BE THE ONE TO DROP THIS KNOWLEDGEBOMB ON YOU, DR. DOUCHECANOE.”
But this time, I just fixed him with a withering stare and said, “If I could get my hands on a thousand dollars at a time without major suffering, my husband and…
You’d think all that education would make them ... more aware. Maybe you wouldn’t think, but you would wish.
To be fair, many of your fellow women and girls probably *are* ready to make babies RIGHT NOW. I remember a friend talking about how she felt like the odd woman out, because she was from the midwest, was 28, and still single. She got married before 30, and was the last woman from her high school class to marry.
They don’t want to enable women having sex for pleasure. If those sluts want to go whoring around, they have to pay the full cost of birth control upfront, all by themselves. That’s the reasoning of these conservatives. It’s pure misogyny, plain and simple.
I work in insurance, and for what it is worth a lot of insurers may keep free birth control anyway. One baby can be more expensive than a decade of birth control, and insurance companies know experientially now that better access to birth control decreases costly babies.
People seem to honestly think it’s a “handout” to get a benefit from insurance we pay for.
They just want to punish women. It makes them happy. There is no logical reason.
Exactly. This pisses me off because they act like it’s only the slutty-slutty-slut-mcsluts that use BC (which, hey, not wrong by me) and ignore that there are also millions of married women, or women who need it for medical reasons, who need BC.
My IUD is good for three more years, but I’ll likely be fertile longer. Insurance won’t pay for a replacement while it’s still functional, so I’d asked my doctor if it was possible the IUD had slipped and needed to be replaced.
He said no, which I expected, but then tried to reassure me it was no big deal because they…
Yeah that’s the paradox of this all. Next they want to basically privatize education. It’s a powder keg of ignorance brewing.
Fuck that. If this the argument you insist on, then your fucking Viagra and Cialis and shit should not be covered because I DON’T WANT TO PAY FOR YOU TO HAVE SEX. Tit-for-fucking-tat.
I work in an office and can say that the cute outfits thing gets old after a month and then everything becomes about remaining sane and not engaging with office politics
My kiddo’s school has an entire week dedicated to computer safety. I asked at the community council meeting if they were addressing online harassment, because the entire description seems to focus on porn and websites with “swears.” They talk about it— as a secondary. I hate this conservative state and its focus on…
The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.
I had a troll assume I was white based on my command of standard English *right here on this board*.
Almost everyone that’s met me in the US has called me an Oreo thanks to my Received Pronounciation of words. Not that I had it much better in England either.
Shea Moisture is amazing and half that price. Especially when they’re constantly doing 2 for 1 sales at Walgreens. Also, Oyinhandmade is amazing and absolutely worth the money. Their sugar hair pomade saved my damn life, https://oyinhandmade.com/the-sugar-pomades-humectant-hair-pomades/