The Devil called. He has Ailes, Rove, Conway, Spicer, and Bannon now; he doesn’t need any more Advocates.
The Devil called. He has Ailes, Rove, Conway, Spicer, and Bannon now; he doesn’t need any more Advocates.
It absolutely changes the likelihood. Thankfully, I live in an “unwalkable” city, so I’m not exposed to strangers until I’m almost inside (or inside) wherever I’m going, & bc of the lack of walking, you also don’t have loitering (if people see you just “around”, they’ll make you leave, & this one is enforced across…
They are not my people. I’m from Los Angeles
I did get dismissive of you at the end, for that I apologize. I got pissed that you told me to “stick to topics you know about.” I am currently studying racism in education and its role in socioeconomic mobility, so I do know what the fuck I’m talking about in terms of interpreting demographics and such. Still I…
What the actual fuck? D0 you seriously think your 4:1 ratio POV means Black American women somehow have any legitimate responsibility for putting this scumbag in office?
A white woman from my work explained to me why she voted for Trump.
After saying the repetitive bullshit of crooked Hillary, she then said the honest truth: “I don’t believe a woman in the same position would get as much respect as a man from the world.”
I’m glad…
Well, as Samantha Bee (a white woman) said, “if the Muslims have to take responsibility for every member of their community, so do we”.
We’ve all seen what you guys can do in a voting booth so why is it so strange to ask for accountability?
WoC have organized and marched without the support of the masses of white women who came out when a man assaulted *their* identities. The point is if you want unity you need to 1) Include WoC in the conversation 2) Recognize your spheres of influence and use your privilege to speak out.
“It’s black people’s fault that Trump won!!111"
Please ask yourself why this brought up so much hurt and anger, and you might gain some insight into why it’s so important NOT to get defensive. It’s not “pointing false blame” at you, so it’s not worth centering the discussion on you.
Okay, so - are you going to trying to deflect and blame and #notallwhitewomen your way out of doing anything?
Here it is: white women NEVER want to be blamed. Ever. I can’t count the number of times I have heard white people argue that one black person represents all black people. But somehow you are exempt from this methodology? The division is not false, it is super real, and your comment shows exactly why we still live…
Good point. I agree. Well, here’s one white woman you can count on. Fuck gerrymandering. Fuck voter supression. And Fuck in-fighting. I know white people often take over conversations. How about I just shut up and get shit done instead?
Girl. You know the stats. Don’t try to pass the blame to Black folk because your lily white hind can’t handle an ounce of responsibility and don’t feel like confronting yalls lying friends who “didn’t vote Trump.” Some white women did vote him. Most of yall did. So, yeah, you undoubtedly know more than one white woman…
Lol @ white people loving to turn minorities wanting equality into a partisan issue
Or maybe none of the white women you know have the balls to cop to voting for Trump, either way fuck you for implying that minorities somehow had more to do with him being elected than the group that voted for him. Fuck you
This is a black woman talking about her experience as a woman of color in this movement, and all you can see is democrats, liberals, and the left. It’s so simple for you isn’t it? This is about white privilege, not party affiliation.
“Oh, I’m so ashamed.” Don’t be ashamed; organize your people.