
Hardly. Not dropping our panties when you get desperate at last call and tell us you'll bang us even though we're [insert perceived deficiency here] is not an injustice. Men's "we can't help it; it's science" wouldn't be so irritating if you weren't simultaneously bellyaching about how shallow women are for wanting to

OK, enough of the articles telling me that I'm undesirable because I'm not in my 20's anymore. I get it - my vagina should be hosting Tales from the Crypt. Enough.

Yeah. Not to mention that there are only so many twenty-something women to go around.

A woman seeking someone her own age or slightly older is applying relative criteria. As her age moves to the right, the window of her desired partners moves with her.

There are already real life stories of young guys trying to charm older women with money. I have middle-aged professionally successful women in my family (my mom and some aunts, for example) who have been approached by young, handsome guys who were clearly looking for a sugar mama. And there's always been young guys

"men's heterosexual activity likely is constrained by female choice." Only if you're talking about the choice of 20-something females. Once the woman hits 30, the power dynamic reverses and stays that way for the rest of her life. Men definitely have the better part of this bargain.

I don't know why you chose to response to Tastycakes2 who wasn't expressing anger but stating the fact that 50-something year old men aren't as sexually appealing to 20-something year old women as 20-something year old men are. And because they know that, there are middle aged men who try to cajole young women with

As a married guy of 45, who's wife just turned 40 - we've been together for 20 years, I can tell you that under no circumstances is my ideal partner today in her 20s. I don't think I could actually stand it. The lack of shared experience and a common frame of reference, and some of the cultural differences would

Totally agree. Also, many men seem to miss the point that they also have the same power. If a woman wants to have sex with a man, and the man doesn't want to, then the woman doesn't get the sex.

As a woman who was an "involuntary celibate" for a long time, trust me—it's not any better for women and it's a perspective even less seen and discussed.

Maybe this is just me, but I'm 32 and so relieved to be out of my 20s. I look younger than I am and get approached by younger men, but every time I date younger it's a real headache. And it's not like men in their 30s to early 40s are hobbling around with walkers, wearing adult diapers etc. They're generally a little

So basically, women have more realistic expectations, thus their expectations are more frequently realized.

Oh Christ here we go again. Hot women in their 20's control the dating market. Women's heterosexual activity is ALSO constrained by male choice. I cannot just order up whatever man I want. Men who complain about how tough it is to find a woman only want "9s or 10s" under 30. Boo hoo if men can't compete with other men

It boggles my mind that so many people think that women being the ones who decide who gets to have sex with women is some sort of major injustice...I mean...what else do they expect? If someone has a thing you want (in this instance a vagina) they are the ones who ultimately decide rather or not you'll get it and they

And, more importantly, will anyone *like* my life?

It is crazy. When my husband does something sweet or it is our anniversary, I tell him in person rather than posting it on Facebook.

I never bragged about my bf on Facebook. Because I'm someone who doesn't define myself by relationships. Vom.

Whatevs. Last week I went outside, walked to bus stop, bus pulled up with no waiting. I got off that bus, walked to transfer bus stop, bus pulled up with no waiting.

But if you don't brag about him on Facebook does he really even exist?

I have not declared "best boyfriend ever" or done #soblessed on Facebook. My boyfriend makes me incredibly happy and if you know me, you'll be able to tell that without me screaming about it every third status.