
Not sure if I'm just appearing here in a window before a deluge of comments or something, but I am so grateful no one has made any stupid jokes about this. This is a painful, horrible, debilitating condition. It makes my head hurt to think about it. I feel terrible for this guy.

I. absolutely. love. Alan. Rickman.

Menacing is a term usually referencing storm clouds or fictional villains or the like. Certainly not a word that should be applied to sexuality...unless talking about about a rapist or something.

She is now a professor at my alma mater (where I also work), and I am so excited/terrified that I will meet her one day. On the one hand, she is AWESOME and it would be the chance to meet one of my biggest living heroes; on the other, I am terrified that I would just fangirl out and die, thereby forever damaging my

MHP for president.

I think you are coming from a good place, so I'll bite. I'm not going to elaborate too much because I am a white lady and don't want to dominate the dialogue here, but the main, BIGGEST thing was that she called Shonda Rhimes an angry black woman (and her characters) when Ms Rhimes herself never said such a thing. She

It is actually killing me that she can rewrite THE ENTIRE PIECE focused on white guys and not miss a beat. It really shows you the racial bias in stark contrast.

Meanwhile characters of other colors can deliver self-important monologues and annoying diatribes — like Sorkin's Will McAvoy on HBO's The Newsroom — and be described as "multi-faceted" or "nuanced."

Won't be watching this or giving it any thought beyond, "Fuck movies set in Africa about white people fighting against the Scary Black People." We've had enough of those. Can we get some movies about Kenyans and Ugandans and Nigerians that shows them as REAL PEOPLE with feelings, thoughts and emotions?

Yeah, no. Fuck that.

Just so you're aware, Dr. Richard Leakey (on whom the story is based) although African and Kenyan by birth and upbringing, is actually a white man (by British extraction).

I guess I just don't buy it. The medical field knows so little about how our minds and our bodies interact. They don't know if physiological things cause depression or if the depression is causing the findings. Maybe certain types of people are more likely to have these physical manifestations. Anyway, I'm not arguing

I think she got all sorts of fucked up by early success. She didn't have to struggle long, and hit the apex of her chosen profession at 24, and had no fucking idea what to do about it.

I feel sorry for her. With the amazing amount of raging crazy that girl has going through her brain, is she even capable of planning for the future and not swinging from tree to tree? I kind of suspect she isn't, and she doesn't seem to have someone around to nanny her, as she seems to need someone to do.

I understand, I think. But I'm on the other side - as I said in another comment, my mother had long term depression, until she finally consented to be medicated. Her life is so much better, and she'll be the second to tell you, because I'll be the first.

Being totally honest, people (including myself) who have mental health issues can be a bit self absorbed. It makes sense because when someone's ill, it's hard to concentrate on anything else. I'd say that the fact that you're concerned with sounding like that is a good thing, and if you ever plan to publish, make sure

This is why it's so important to have a good psychologist to do the talky stuff, AND a loving family member/friend/spouse/whoever that can give you a kick in the ass when you need it.

I wish I could say that I didn't have a deep, first hand understanding of what it's like not to be able to climb your way out of depression. But Wurtzel sees it as something to feel proud of, something that makes her superior. If I were to write my own take on depression to make the world understand it from my POV,

"Mommy, how to Elizabeth Wurtzels get made?"

Isn't she the one who somehow managed to get into Yale Law School then failed the bar only to turn around and blame Yale for not adequately preparing her for the bar? Yale has like a 99% bar passage rate.