
Congrats. You have achieved peak liberal.

Attacking people for exercising their 1st amendment rights is a noble thing?

It's the dry heat.

This is pretty much why my child will never be allowed to play in a house that has guns in it.

All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.

It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.

Or perhaps this guy didn’t advertise his address. They can’t serve a restraining order if they don’t know where you live. Moreover, they can’t show up to arrest you if they don’t have a good address. If he’s couch-surfing and unemployed, they might not know where to get him.

That’s why I pack all kinds of random shit under there, I tell everyone that it’s because I’m a slob, but really it’s so nobody can fit in there.

OR! Like in Florida, Rick Scott saying that if they shut down all the Planned Parenthood clinics, women can just seek treatment from their dentists!

Ok, I totally hear you, but on the other hand it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t.

Her last line sounds like bullshit -

I was enlisted back in the 90s and you didn’t get to touch a weapon outside of tightly controlled circumstances. All ammo was painstakingly accounted for each and every time you went to the rifle range or on guard duty. There was no fucking around. Because an M-16 is a deadly weapon of war. No one, and I mean no one,

You gotta admire his spunk, though.

I’m reading all of the “ew” comments here and realizing that apparently not everyone gives their partner/co-parent a gift for the parent holidays. I always assumed that was a thing that people typically do.

So Maury Povich was wrong?

Only TEN boxes of Thin Mints? You show admirable restraint.

Being an inmigrant in USA I find cookies with mint flavour pretty strange, that and yogurth with vanilla in it, oh and the mashed sweet potatos with marshmallows on them.

But the money goes to adorable children, not some jerk who probably donated to Donald Trump.

I don’t know you, I don’t know if you’re a racist. All I know is Trump appears to be a big racist and you’re here defending his positiions so that’s what I assumed. If I’m wrong, sorry. At the same time, you don’t think saying everyone that comes here illegally is a criminal and a rapist is hateful? Okay, then. I do.

Nothing confirms my happiness of being in love with a sandwich than eating said delicious sandwich. Man, this sandwich is delicious.