
The biggest troubling part was that Rolling Stone did not fact check and libeled a whole fraternity as a group of out of control rapists. They themselves were victims of a gross and heinous story that resulted in physical assault, destruction of property, loss of money, and a permanent black mark on their members’

Damn straight!

I'm a guy that can only really get off with blowjobs. I do like regular penetration, but more as a part of foreplay than a means to an end. Men tend to be far more cerebral when it comes to orgasms than people realize. Just because a guy cums, it doesn't mean he's satisfied, and many guys don't need to cum to

When people do name drop like that, I always ask them what they do. Sometimes, it sounds very boring. I am also always amazed at how often they agree. They seem to be always looking for something.

Seems to me he made the decision before going full-time pro. Just wanted to make a decent chunk of cash and then vamoose. Now, if he buys like two or three Subway franchises, he'll be set for life. Smart, smart man.


If just for one day...

I miss metal slug

It makes one wonder that since the accused aren't usually entitled to school-sponsored counseling themselves that they actually might be dodging a bullet for their own benefit.

Either one, its a damn shame.

Frankly, I would rather they just make their own thing.

Why are token ethnics ALWAYS African-Americans? Why can't token ethnics be Latino or Asian-American (all of Asia)? That has always bugged me when studios begin to "diversify."

This is a hundred times better than the io9 piece. No gender bias on either end, just pointing out the usual and hilarious studio inept groupthink weirdness of here's one thing and now there's another.

Well, Mike did ask.

And then there's the trannys...

but, coors light...

Of course he did! Why would there be any doubt?!?!

When I'm walking alone by myself, I usually start talking in strange voices and have conversations with them because I like hearing strange voices have absurd conversations and call me "Danny Butcheeks" because no matter how much Danny Butcheeks tries, he's not going to change the moon.

Damn. I'm a dude, and I do that all the time. How do you do your full size one person pizza? I like to get a Digiorno Brick Over Mushroom and Spinach and add avocado, sardines, onions, bell peppers and tomatoes and smother it in shredded smoked Gouda.

That's also a misconception that A LOT of people don't want to admit to exist. People like the fantasy of being a jacked up Navy Seal because it lets us be something we are not, and evidently its "bad". It's OK to want to pretend to be some super-perfect guy. However, having it constantly be the single main thing