Lumpy Idle

I’m sorry, it wasn’t clear in context whether your filmmaking was a job or not.

I don’t think you are a victim [in this particular instance] if you are willfully putting yourself in danger for your job/hobby. Note that I am not trying to marginalize any of your experiences, just pointing out that it seems incongruous that you are apparently very concerned about being subject to violence, while at

Now playing

Keselowski knows a thing or two about the Glen

Sped way up to make it look cooler but yea

Gosh I can only hope to have as shitty a day sometime. Someone give me a few billion so I can lose a chunk of it in one day and empathize with poor Elon.

Dude is still in a multi-World Championship winning driver car. Never count him a fast car out. If it can be done, he the car has the capacity to do it.

Don't be a chode.

“best looking car in the segment”

I love Buxton, as well as the trio in the studio. It also doesn’t hurt that Buxton does seem to have some genuine personal relationships with some of the drivers. The couple of spotlight segments he did with Lewis were really good.

The other three are pretty great too. Diffey is good with play by play, Matchett gives you a great engineering insight, and Hobbs is great as a driver and a cranky old man of the sport’s golden era. Great dichotomy, mostly ruined by insane amounts of commercial breaks.

I would not at all compare a TSX to a Camry or Altima. Not the same size category, and definitely not the same level of toss-ability. Not as enjoyable to operate either (gearbox, steering, etc.).

Say no more, fam:

There’s a strong intersection between the type of dude who wants a brown turbo diesel manual wagon, and the type of dude who would fly 5000 miles on a whim to see a woman he’s only texted.

Do people still think Bowlby knows what he’s doing? The guy is a much better salesman than designer.

A $70k Vette hangs out with $200k supercars.

You are correct. No dogs were involved at any point.

This commercial was incredible cheesy (“you did it!” uh, REALLY?) but I still watched because, Vulcan

now we need the other state of the comment, in which the link to the related article exists...

Using your logic, you wasted time writing what you wrote and your time could have been spent more productively, like going to a Red Cross and packing humanitarian resources for the people in need.