Lumpy Idle

Funny thing is, the colonists had to bring all the water they needed for 4 month voyage with them - they didn't have the technology to get fresh water while they were sailing. And don't forget, they needed to bring enough food to last them until the next harvest. So yea, they did have a terrible time hauling water to

So, here's a tip: Instead of just assuming something sucks and then going around telling everyone else it sucks, maybe try it first. You never know. You might be surprised.

History is full of things that people refused to believe until it happened. As to the worth? To a bean counter, it would be worthless. To a humanist, priceless. The only problem I see is that we have far too many of the former; I'd move to Mars to get away from them.

Because colonizing Mars with people is an end in itself, not just a means to one. In any case, when you are operating a pre-constructed tool from 150 million miles away then you are going to be more limited in what you can do and how adaptable you can be, than if there is someone there in person and with a laboratory

you know how you guys do the "Weekend Motorsport's round up"(which I love)

The live feed on IMSA is down, so you HAVE to watch the end of the race on FS1. I'd rather read about it here than give Fox a dime of my money for their commercial laden pile of shit broadcasts.

That moment in the Bus Stop definitely cost him a tenth or two as well.

God that music was awful. Had to mute the video to get through it.

Yeah, just me and the other 6.999 billion people in the world who didn't know about that. But thanks for the explanation.

I am going to call the new Williams the "Pbbt"

Modern era of NASCAR began in 1972, when the racing landscape changed considerably. Prior to 1972, the number of races was all over the place — some years there were 48 races, other years there were as many as 62. And what constituted a NASCAR Sprint Cup (then Winston Cup) race changed as well.

No Bizzarinni? :(

How could you say no to that face??

Pictured: Q7 design brief. Note the elegant use of LEDs.

I know it's your job to report all automotive news but when it comes to both Bentleys and SUVs most jalops be all like:

shouldn't a truck do that anyway?

I'd give 'em both away. Fuck it, I was never having kids anyway.

It's not a manual, or brown, or a wagon, or a Miata, or a diesel. Thanks a bunch, ford!