Lumpy Idle

You missed one

Someone should bring back the 6 Hour into the night at Laguna Seca. I have no idea why they changed it, that was an amazing event while ALMS ran it.

I'm the same way as a formerly anxious flyer. I love loud engines and high thrust-to-weight. I've never been on a 95, but I imagine they take off like a rocket if throttled up.

I've flown AirTran round trip a couple times and can honestly say that my experience was great. AirTran was basically a straight-to-the-point service and their planes seemed well-maintained to me. They didn't make customers pay for lists of unnecessary fees unless they needed to. I respected AirTran.

yesssss Rosberg has tasted the power of the dark side. He knows the window to be WDC is very small while his team has the competitive edge. Soon it will be gone. I expect moves of even greater desperation next year and I look forward to it : )

This kind of stuff makes me feel like our civilization peaked in the 1960-70s and it's been downhill ever since.

Counter-intuitive, yes, but only because you do not understand how the engine operates. At max altitude, max speed the engine functions in an extremely high bypass mode, with the turbines generating little power and little drag, with most of the air bypassing the turbine altogether. At those speeds, the compression

Honestly, this talk is a waste of time and there is no legitimately useful info. It's essentially just a recap of his short career. It can be boiled down to the following:

And it only took a decade more to land on the moon!

Here is the Blackbird photo and XB-70 at takeoff. Tail number indicates the Blackbird id the first YF-12A.

In 1966 I attended an air show at Carswell AFB, Fort Worth. Among many other contemporary airplanes were the B-58, XB-70, and SR-71. I still have the photos I took that day. The SR-71 crew hatches were opened, and the public was allowed to look inside. The SR-71 did not fly a demo, but of course flew in and out of

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I'd love to read Tyler's take on both too, but to whet your appetite on the XB-70, watch:

"So from here, we go west across the channel, then north. The cake factory should be unguarded, right?"


I agree. Like I said, the 747 seems the most obvious option. Plus, it just screams "MERICA!!"

Smaller fries > smaller asses > small chairs are okay.

It's a special day, when they get to handle the crown jewels.

Ugh seriously? And I had just fired 300 employees to make room for this.

That's Lewis stalling out, not Nico