
Would the Scot’s use of “shite” also be related?

I love “shat” and use it whenever possible- its beauty definitely needs to be spread far and wide.

I will never not be down for a grammar rant.

It’s here perhaps because it was meant for me to read and alert the writer that the past tense of the verb to “shit” is “shat,” just as the past tense of to “spit” is “spat.”

Yeah. I don’t agree with a lot of the views of Islam, but that doesn’t change the fact that this does not represent Islam in the slightest. ISIS represents Islam about as well as Westboro represents Christianity.

I think he’s one of those actors that someone in Hollywood (probably a closet case) finds hot. I mean, how does anyone explain the long career of non-actor Mark Harmon?

Well in NBC’s defense, I don’t think there has been enough coverage on this election. Who’s even running? I wouldn’t know. I mean, an analysis of a poignant and provocative music video? Nah, give me more Trump.

That's at least a 7.2. Not sure what the 40 time was.

One room for boys! One room for girls! Intersex people get to shit in a cupboard!

You can tell America wins at democracy with how much time we spend on it without actually achieving any semblance of it.

Don’t bother...she doesn’t get it. Because it’s not “speaking” to her, it is therefore “light”, nothing but a “slick pop song” and not at all “revolutionary”.

Moments like this I realise I live in a very sheltered liberal bubble. Maybe it’s living in NYC but I don’t know a single person who got offended or felt threatened by Beyonce’s video. Also, who the hell are these people? The video and song are catchy and yeah the political elements are there but they’re pretty light

Alito. *shudder*

So, I think I’m not the only one who’s sad we don’t have a place to talk about what’s going on with the Scalia replacement situation here on Jez. You know, since he was a terror for women’s rights since the 80s. I made a place, in case people do want to discuss it.

All true.

The aesthetic of wearing rags and acting like you’re a refugee is not the same as being rounded up at gun point and moved to a concentration camp on a cattle car with the knowledge that you and your loved ones will be forced to work as a slave or be murdered as a faceless member of a herd based on your religious

This is a well-written, thought-provoking article.

these are the things that make me rage stroke.

Right but you see they are her kids. She knows that they are "real Americans" (white); it's all those other people who are undeserving.

No, no... you misunderstand... her kids are white.