
Maybe the Church was afraid the kids would discover the secret Runfrumma Molesta and Tele Grownup spells. If the kids learn about those, then the Church wizards have to cast Concealum Abuser again, and that’s expensive.

There are some things to be found unfortunate in the youngest Trump daughter’s appearance, but those have to do with looking like her father and questionable makeup advice; and she can only be faulted for one of those.


He probably didn’t, but I can hope he woke up somewhere screaming.  

To co-opt a Bette Davis quote: “Mother always said to speak good of the dead. David Koch is dead. Good.”

Hey Fishbein...don’t sweat turning 30. I raised more hell between 30 and 40 than a body had a right to and still be standing. A decade of great memories and lovely regrets. May you have the same.

“I have known Emperor Palpatine for many years, and while I supported and helped fund his efforts to construct a Death Star, I did not support his decision to blow up Alderaan”

Should have just called Hellboy's handlers.

Quick!  We need some bactine for the leopard bites on Geraldo’s face, STAT!

“I think YOU were the one with a ‘job’ to do on dad last night, Ivanka.”

Pelosi is horrible and needs to go. She’s past her expiration date.

But the quote above says the ‘only’ victim was the foetus. The woman who got shot, the woman who lost a child, no victim there.

Dont put her in jail...make her pay for 20 students to go to college every year for the next 10 years. Not the Aunt Becky scholarship where she gets to say she’s doing something good or gets a tax right off. Just cutting a check to said school to cover the costs.  If she goes to jail then my tax dollars are paying for

Here you go!

When someone asks me about my kids, I tell them I have two and their names are Disposable Income and Unlimited Free Time.

I believe this sums up my feelings about this news