It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Mostly the worst, though, because the president of the United States of America was a motherfucking piece of shit.
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Mostly the worst, though, because the president of the United States of America was a motherfucking piece of shit.
They probably have decent chefs at the Whitehouse that haven’t quiet lowered their standards enough to burn a steak and slather it in enough ketchup to make his wittle baby tum tum happy either.
I cannot stress this enough to Trump, he does not have to stay at the White House at all or ever darken Washington DC with his presence again. It’s simple, “I resign the presidency effective immediately,” sign and date it.
Of course he thinks it’s a dump, there are reminders of all his more competent predecessors everywhere, including paintings of them. Put some big guilded mirrors up and he’ll suddenly want to stay where he can see that handsome man with yuge hands out of the corner of his eye as he ignores briefings.
Not a surprise. He has no interest in history that is not about him and his idea of good taste is frou-frou gilt on everything and his name in giant illuminated letters.
I think he’s trying to confess to taking a giant dump all over the White House and everything it stands for.
Not enough fake gold plating everywhere apparently.
I know!!! Fine to say if you’re a civilian on a tour and you’re like, “this looks like a dated Hilton.” but 45, that’s your seat of power and lol have you even seen your hotels and condos? Have you?!!!
This is why I’m okay eating chickens but not cows and pigs? Chickens are so fucking dumb.
I just got a pet skunk and you would not believe what this awful thing does. I’m trying to exchange him for a better-behaved skunk.
Yes!! I commented up(down?)thread before I saw this. When my grandmother was asking when she could go home, we would say “tomorrow” (for all things my mother was not, she WAS really good in her field, which was working with seniors with dementia). It made her happy and she forgot by tomorrow anyway. And if we…
I’m sorry you and your family have to deal with that :(. That is so hard.
My grandmother went into a nursing home after she passed 100. She was very cogent much of the time, but would sometimes repeat herself over the course of a conversation, after her 90's. My aunt thought she was slipping into the past after she was in the home, but sometimes people get...unmoored in time after being…
Oh man, that makes me so mad. I was amazed at how her “reclaiming my time” stayed at the same pitch and volume the entire time, I wouldn’t have managed to be so stony. An appropriate headline would be “treasury secretary refuses to answer questions about Trump’s financial ties to Russia”.
New from Celestial Seasonings: Reclaimytime tea.
My sister in law was the same way when their mother had Alzheimer’s. I just couldn’t get her to understand that it didn’t help. And it is hardest on the people who are there all the time. Best wishes to your family. <3
She has a limited time frame to ask questions. If he blabs on and on and gives really long winded non answers, he can prevent her from asking all that she wants to.
So reclaiming her time is actually her literally reclaiming the time wasted. They can’t count his bullshit against her timer.
Maxine is 78. She has zero fucks left to give and she is not putting up with this shit.
I’m going to start watching this every night before bed instead of drinking herbal tea. It will have the same soothing effects without making me have to get up to pee an hour later.
I saw my 89 year old auntie yesterday at the rest home. I don’t tell her everyone’s dead and gone. Her husband is dead. Her brother is dead. Her sister, my mother, is also dead.