
Brb, barfing for a thousand hours

That reminds me of the Friends episode where Rachel makes the weird trifle. Like okay jello and fruit, I'm with you here, then wait- lettuce? Why? Mayo? What the fuck?

Should've been the headline


Yeah, something edible is always a good idea.

Gift cards. Starbucks and Target would both be great options. (I'm a teacher, btw)

I always make a little time every day to read something that I WANT to read- not for school or work. I like it, it makes me better, it helps me relax. And reading is one of the cheapest things there is!

I was gonna say me! Glad you agree.

Brb, starting a band called “naturalistic whale dancing”

My high school had us do this. I grew up in Detroit-ish.

A quote from the source article:

Yeah Trump is an awful person, but also: he's going to bomb so hard. I have 0% desire to watch tonight's episode.

As much as I love the Disney version, I would love to see a version of the Little Mermaid that gets dark and creepy like the original tale.

I love when the dog stops and just looks at the guy like “dad, what are we doing here? Are you okay?”


Now playing

I love that Jurassic park clip. Here are a couple other ones that I enjoy:


I kind of feel this way about most things on groupon. Like, there's a reason whatever the service is can be discounted so much. I've seen laser hair removal groupons for like 95% off and I just imagine like someone in a dark alley shining a laser pointer at you or something.

