
Me stating I'm black is necessary simply because I've been on the internet long enough to know that, because I disagree heavily with the post and the majority of the comments, the first thing people were gonna focus on was my race, because the "N" word is primarily a black issue….

My argument is, this isn't a big deal. Stop overreacting, stop reaching for stupid shit to get upset over, like TV stunts. There are more pressing concerns out there in regard to racism in America. If you think a lame on CNN holding up a sign in an effort to provoke controversial reactions, ratings, and discussion is

Lol, the funny thing is, I actually am.

Right, that's a good one. No valid rebuttal or argument, just lazily, and vaguely state that I missed the point…that'll do it. Grats on that one ;)

Sigh… A lot of you guys are oversensitive; looking for any reason to be outraged and offended. Oh, and before you try to ask, YES, I'm Black… just because I know some of you are gonna instinctively wanna throw out the racist card for simply disagreeing with the post. Don Lemon is on CNN, so he sucks automatically,

You guys are pathetic. Please continue to go out of your way to be offended at everything..