
The sentiment is appreciated. I meant this to be an attempt at humor, but clearly I still have a lot to learn in that department. All I meant was that having one less fast food place to avoid so my compromised digestive system can recover from its latest setback is easier on me. Perhaps that would have been a better

It’s less about the actual food and more about the people in my area constantly urging me to try some new fast food thing whenever one comes out, even if it seems really gross.

This is exactly the kind of pseudo-culinary garbage that makes me glad no Taco Bell exists within at least 300 miles of me.

Just based on instinct/stupidity, I would demolish a bag of those Habanero chips, because I love pain and hate my digestive tract.

I’ll honest: at first I was only here to stare, mesmerized and horrified, at the black hole that is Sarah Palin’s gaping maw, but I managed maybe a paragraph and I think I gave myself brain damage.....

I’ve watched a few of their videos. I liked some of them, but not really enough to subscribe. I’m not saying that they shouldn’t be profiting from their videos, but to viciously punish people for using something even remotely similar and try to monopolize it in such a way is just wrong. I did watch their Update video

My grandmother’s version of “spanking” mom when she did bad things was with a literal wooden paddle and mom freaks out every time she sees anything that looks like that paddle. I’ll be very surprised if this girl doesn’t come away from this with some massive trauma.

I continue to not understand why Sony seems to want to kill the Vita over here. I bought my Vita two years ago and I’ve gotten more mileage out of it than I ever have with my 3DS. The main reason (for me anyway) being comfort. The Vita’s buttons feel easier to handle and don’t hurt my fingers nearly as much. I’m a

The noise I just made probably broke a few windows. I enjoyed Tale of Two Towns, even if going back and forth was pretty irritating. Maybe there would be something neat like a hot air balloon or a train to travel between these three towns? I’d still really like a 3DS port of Animal Parade, but I’d welcome any new

I’ve eaten some nasty looking things in my day, but I have to say this monstrosity takes the cake. I don’t even want to imagine the utter chaos this must have wreaked on your insides...

This freaked me the hell out when I tried to go to my purchase history and it was showing like hundreds of dollars worth of games and DLC bought, then I remembered the card on file has about 11 cents on it right now, then I looked up and saw it was some guy in Canada who really REALLY likes Call of Duty apparently.

Totally not bragging, but even if I passively wish for something, it ends up making its way to me somehow. My parents joke that the universe just loves me. Prime example: last year I started working at a PC repair shop that sometimes gets deliveries in bulk of older computers and game systems. I remembered when I was

Ugh, schedule malfunctions ruin so many good things. Would’ve been an amazing, albeit sad experience.

When I was in my middle school History class on the WWII unit, I begged my teacher to let the class watch this “for educational purposes”. By the end, it had the whole class sobbing, even my teacher. Need a way to engage a bunch of apathetic, bored teenagers? Show them a film showcasing the horrors of war through a

I try really hard not to judge stuff based on limited information, but I’m very skeptical about this at the moment. I won’t say I’m completely out just yet, but this feels like someone giving you a book to read, getting halfway through a chapter, only to have them yank it away and lock it in a vault until you wait

Way before I was even a blip on the parental radar, my mother was in a horrible train accident and was severely wounded, not knowing she was pregnant at the time. Radiation from the xrays had been so damaging that the child wouldn’t have lived anyway, and she decided to abort, for as much as that tortured her. Every

This was a really interesting and uplifting read. I totally understand the social anxiety, which I wasn’t even diagnosed with until last year. Nearly two devades of going through life being absolutely terrified of other people, the negative mental projecting, it’s total hell. I turned to games and art to cope, and

Part of me really wants to go off on a rage fueled tirade about the emotional benefits of games just to spite people like this, but then I think about how these idiots are not long for this world and all the sooner joining the “evil” skeletons and the sense of schadenfreude quells my seething hatred.

I love Gangsta. I feel like a lot of its story and characters are really interesting in a lot of different ways. I was really excited when I heard that it was getting an anime, albeit cautiously so. It felt a bit too soon, considering the manga only has 6/7 volumes. I realize that stuff gets cut out for

I’m still not sure if I just finished reading about a game’s numbering system or if I’m having some kind of horrific flashback to my college math class...