"In the story, a prosperous colony of bees spends its time grumbling that the colony itself is too corrupt. The colony is cursed by Jove and forced into honesty, at which point it becomes impoverished."
"In the story, a prosperous colony of bees spends its time grumbling that the colony itself is too corrupt. The colony is cursed by Jove and forced into honesty, at which point it becomes impoverished."
Patient Zero? Any relation to other Zeros Smith has met in the past?
I support more Doctor Who toys blessing the world, but what outfit of Clara's is this based on? It looks more like something series 2 Rose would wear than smartly-dressed Clara.
RTD vs. Moffat. It's my catnip. I'm pretty sure this debate is just on constantly in the back of my head.
For some brief, sad moment I thought the headline said "will Jessica Hynes play a Marvel hero?" and now I need to cope with my massive disappointment that this is not actually the case.
Just wanted to say that this is a great article, and I like that turn of phrase about "pastures new."That's Doctor Who, right there.
I think there should be an episode where all the monsters are actually just terrifying specimens of Doctor Who merchandise.
Question: what's a good second introductory episode? Some of my friends have seen "Rose," and some have seen "Blink," but they're only intrigued and not "i need more now!!!!11!" What's a good clincher?
On this topic, what are good episodes for introducing people to Doctor Who? I've tried both "Rose" and "Blink" with my friends, but neither have really worked. "Rose" suffered from its super crappy special effects, and "Blink" doesn't really encapsulate the zaniness or romance that I think really sells Doctor Who.…
...oh. I'm one of those dorks who wears them with socks. :( I just like socks. And not having my toes pinched at the same time. So yeah. At least Teva is validating my high fashion choices!
Heh. I had a kind of reverse experience, where I assumed that all live-action movies were boring and for adults. I distinctly remember rejecting a movie musical at the age of five because it wasn't animated.
So by that reasoning, could the Doctor eat human? I'm not trying to troll, I just think it would be cool to take this to its logical conclusion.
I'm glad someone finally wondered about this. :) It's bothered me since "Voyage of the Damned," actually—there's a part where he's eating buffalo wings, and I had a moment of "wait, wasn't this a huge deal for you in the 80s?"
Oh man, I love that SJA episode. Love love love. It gave Jo the perfect life. And I didn't know that about the actor dating her! Cool.
Every time I've seen this I get distracted by how much Jo's fiance looks like John Lennon. I feel like this is the one case where marrying off the companion made sense—instead of dropping her off with the bland bloke of the week (cough cough, Leela and Andred, cough), Jo gets someone actually distinctive who just…
Quick brown. Lazy. Jump. Yes.
Yes please on "Banter," I will buy two tickets to see it in the cinema.
I haven't seen this guy yet, so I thought I'd contribute.
Martin Freeman?