lumiere's wig

It seems telling to me that when Snoopy first goes to sleep again on top of his damaged roof, he walks on all fours: a nostalgic pose he hasn’t used in years, since he started walking on his hind legs. It’s like his grief has returned him to the safety of an old way of being.

“I morph into Ted Cruz with melanin and a spine”

What do you do if you’re breaking up a years-long friendship, turned uncomfortable and weirdly stalker-ish? I was told the best thing was to just cut off contact and stop responding, but I haven’t been comfortable with full-out ghosting. Saying “I don’t think this is going to work out!” doesn’t make sense, seeing as

If this is the type of content I can expect from you guys, YOU NEED TO RUN JEZEBEL EVERY DAY.

I think I read it’s because she has some sort of disease (Graves disease, maybe?) that has resulted in her feeling self-conscious about her face.

This is so beautiful! Now I’m kind of itching to play with it.

...oh. I'm one of those dorks who wears them with socks. :( I just like socks. And not having my toes pinched at the same time. So yeah. At least Teva is validating my high fashion choices!