Mr. Fish sounds like someone who stirs up drama for some stupid fame.
Mr. Fish sounds like someone who stirs up drama for some stupid fame.
I never understood this argument. Just because I can't cook as well as a 3 star chef, doesn't mean I can't say food tastes like shit. Just because I don't build cars, doesn't mean I can't say a car drives like shit. Why do I need to one up someone just to say something is bad?
Ys I & II Chronicles+ is $5.09 on Steam for those that missed it during the summer sale, like me.
Cept China considers Taiwan part of China still, and there's no official UN declaration saying Taiwan is a sovereign state. Taiwan claiming the island = no one will recognize it anyways.
Yes, but then you'll lose 20% of bells. Extra bells = less time grinding for bugs.
I used to be told this, but it's supposedly not true. Like most people say, drink milk. Or eat anything high in fats.
I only realized last night that you could catch bees. So I've gotten stun 8 times in the last 12 hours, and have not caught one yet =P
Not a fan of the worthless $1k beetles. I noticed that they only spawn on the fruit trees on my island, so I chopped them down.
Was already going to try to pick up Hello Kitty Akuma, Brock, and the DJ pony, but now I want the zerg plush.
Considering the first gym leader was a rock type, Bulbasaur was an obvious choice. Charmander I've never liked.
This. I don't know why the media focused so much on the racial slurs, but not this. She wanted her "colored" employees to wear slave outfits.
One of my favorites in the group as well, along with flying baby and removed cameraman.
Concave buttons, a bat top, and an octagon gate? The EVO people didn't have any input in that image, obviously.
While the 7 year old kid isn't bad, there was a similar aged kid that used to play Tekken Tag Tournament 1 back when I was playing Tekken that was at least on par with this guy. The kid was a son of a guy who owned several restaurants in the mall, and he'd just give the kid quarters and have him go to the arcade.
Tides of Destiny/Oceans? It'd be better if they didn't make the farming take the entire day once you get all four farms. So you pretty much can either farm or level before the day ends, not both.
I'm not sure, but I think it's Nestea.
Came here to post about this too. At the grocery stores around here, especially Vons, they have mosaics all the time. There's a 3D football ones for Super Bowl, for example.
The Future Arc skits were very amusing. I didn't like any of the story in the main game, but laughed out loud several times during Future Arc.
I've met plenty of people who dress like them. I myself have been wearing shirts Sheldon would wear, before the show came out. I've known geeks who were extremely passionate about certain subjects (the true meaning of otaku).