
lol wut? Can you show me proof that these body pillows are "commonly seen as sex toys?"

It really isn't that funny. I had high hopes, seeing how the light novel is popular. So far, the first 5 episodes have been pretty dull.

The Wii U was relevant?

There are tons of them. Key (Kanon, Clannad, Air, Little Busters, etc) is the only one that pops into my head atm, but I've seen a non-comprehensive list of them, and it's long.

Another internets for you.

Backlogged up the wazoo, but probably Sword of the Stars: The Pit.


I know I groaned when I saw a similar scene on Conan.

There's also Virtua Fighter, Soul Calibur, and Dead or Alive.

You listed two accidental deaths. Where's the one suicide you listed?

Pretty sure Smeagol and Deagol were explicitly stated as hobbits. Different "species" or whatever, but hobbits nontheless. Just like Numenoreans are lumped with other men.

Not a fan either. A lot of OCD things bug me. Some characters have their last names printed, while others do not. Samwise Gamgee, but Frodo and Bilbo? Sauron and Durin's Bane not put with the Istari? Gothmog unknown (and with a 3 letter abbreviation)? Gil-Galad is in the movies version, and Tom Bombadil is in the

I expected this to have been posted by Tina, considering her tweets.

I've never installed iTunes anywhere, so I guess I can't see this list.

It took me awhile to figure out that was Blanka, since I was expecting the hunched electric Blanka. I actually wondered why Ken was attacking Samus.

Seriously, the first thing I think of whenever I hear Soderbergh is that Sasha Grey did a Soderbergh film, so she's totally legit now.

I never understood this. People keep saying Wii U is next gen, because it came out years since the 360 and PS3.

What's a DSXL?

In before "at least it's not Jonathan Blow."

Or just make companies legitimately represent their product.