
I will say I have an IUD, a hormone one, but it’s the same concept as a copper one. It is not a pleasant thing to have it done, I ain’t gonna lie, but it’s totally tolerable, especially given everything else our lovely uteruses put us through during our lives. You definitely do want to get your anual to have it

Thank you, I was thinking the same thing but didn’t want to be the one to say it.

Huh. I know it’s more invasive, but if you really don’t want kids at all have you considered tubal litigation? I mean, it is extreme and likely even more final than a vasectomy, but if the religion thing is bugging him and not you, it is an option. Or a non-hormonal IUD? Or even go really old school and get a

I love me a good 1.5-2" wedge. That is the perfect work shoe in my opinion.

That was my original thought as well.

Also, just be kind and honest with him! I’m sure he gets it if you aren’t mean about it. “Dude, I think it’s great having you over, but you and I both know your job exposes you to bed bugs and other critters. I seriously do not want and cannot afford to deal with an infestation, which I’m sure you understand. So, can

What is this “too many pizzas” you speak of? There is no such thing.

Yeah, I generally don’t unless it’s really hot out. It’s usually more of a, “so, did you put that pizza in the fridge last night? You thought I did? Oh, well, I guess it’s not in the fridge, then.” but I usually do think to do it if the room is warm enough for me to think it’ll be an issue leaving food out.

There are also a couple bars in my area that use the TVs to show movies (classics and foreign films are popular) with the sound off and the subtitles on. It can be a lovely way to grab dinner and a couple drinks alone but out.

I always give it 4-5 minutes before quick releasing, even if it tells me not to. So far that’s prevented any mess.

A lot of your questions are extremely subjective, other than the age one (Octavia is 7 years older). Attractive to whom? Broader range in what sense?

Yeah, I get that, I know it’s the ego trip of proving you CAN do these things. I just still don’t understand the thought process that gets someone there, though. Like, really what makes you think taking off your pants to dictate emails is a good idea, why does it even occur to you to do it? At the same time, I’m glad

I think he made it to season 3, that was when it really stopped being “twisty, dark look inside a killer’s head” and started quickly sliding into “naked, pretty, dead co-ed of the week”

Right? That’s the part that blows me away. Here is a grown ass man going through life thinking “do-da-do-da doo, what is on my list today, meeting, lunch, so on, oh, yes, asking my assistant to clean up my cum stain- that is a normal thing that is logical to do! I will do that today! Hm, I need to dictate an email...

The main issue I have with these as well as sheet masks is the disposable part. I don’t have a solution of my own, necessarily, but really technology would hopefully look for ways to minimize how much stuff we throw out, not create more disposable items.

The main issue I have with these as well as sheet masks is the disposable part. I don’t have a solution of my own,

OOOH, OK, I misunderstood. :)

That isn’t what has happened, though. The private corporate busses have taken over the municipal bus stops in San Francisco is what has happened.

They are still notorious for creating a toxic environment with ridiculous hours in their corporate offices in Seattle. It isn’t just the warehouse that’s a sweatshop, the difference is Corporate is a sweatshop with computers instead of boxes. I would never in a million years want to work there. They take pride in


Agreed. I mean, ask for a bit of guidance, or even how about “this is a really important issue, and I support every woman speaking out here tonight. In that vein I’m also trying to let them take the lead and have the floor and take a step back and really listen to them.” Simple, to the point,hard to misconstrue,