
Not that heavy. It’s more just not being used to thinking about keeping something up by your mouth. We generally keep our hands more around our middle, so they naturally drift back there. Plus, especially if a dude has a bit of a paunch they like to use it as a resting place for things; folders, coffee cups,

YES! My company have these All Hands Meetings with the remote offices on the phone and every damn time someone in the home office asks a question we’re all left wondering what the hell the answer being given is referring to.

I will check that out. Thanks for the recommendation!

That was the Sartre piece I was referencing. :) It’s one of my favorites.

That is rough. Student productions in college are always either the worst or the best.

Yeah, I was misremembering the Twilight Zone one a bit, I think. I remembered the getting everything part, but I thought there were other people there for some reason. It is still the concept that Hell is actually getting the things that are “supposed” to make you happy.

I was watching the newest season of BoJack Horseman and thought to myself “So, it took an animated horse to finally, realistically, empatheticaly demonstrate what it is like to live with functional depression. Good to know.”

I loved that the model wearing the sheerer panties obviously had a tummy roll. It’s so nice, not just to see it normalized, but to actually see how it will actually, for real, sit on your body.

It’s No Exit by Sartre, Twilight Zone took the idea from that. It isn’t the concept that’s the point, that is old. “Hell is Other People.” It’s what you do with it. I loved it, I thought they did it well.

It made perfect sense- it’s the same philosophical concept as Sartre, only longer form and more modern.

I still love that album and listen to it on the regular.

Overall I’m in agreement. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with “Hey, we missed you at the shindig, hope everything is OK!” to the folks you’re closer to because, dude, at least send an email if plans change. But whatever the response just let it go from there.

It is a dick move. I don’t think this is the same as blowing off a formal church-and-hotel ballroom wedding, but if you figure out you can’t go, even last minute, AT LEAST send an email with a “so sorry, I screwed up the scheduling and we won’t be able to make it.” It takes, like, two seconds.

Exactly, my mom would have totally noticed. Not because she was checking, but when you have three menstruating-aged women using one bathroom (me, my mom, & my sis when we were teenagers), you do notice when the garbage can isn’t needing to be emptied as often.

“We do not tolerate misconduct in our ranks and are committed to a safe workplace environment free of harassment or intimidation,” the spokesperson said.

I agree for the most part. I mean bathrooms exist for one thing, really. All humans need to do it, it shouldn’t be that big a deal.

THANK YOU!!!! Sociopaths don’t leave a courtesy stall and my office is apparently full of them.

My Grandma taught me this when I was a wee kiddo. It also makes it easy to eyeball other things if they have a cap about the same size.

Uber isn’t just a better way to handle taxi rides, it’s also a monopoly that will eventually dump its workforce in favor of self-driving cars.

That was my thought. I don’t live in a high rise, but if I did I can’t say I wouldn’t appreciate a vending machine that would save me a trip out in the rain at midnight to pick up a roll of TP. It would never replace my corner market, but it would be nice for some things.