In my experience WFH and childcare do not mix. While it can help a lot because things like travel time are minimized you cannot rely on someone being able to work and care for a child at the same time on a regular basis.
In my experience WFH and childcare do not mix. While it can help a lot because things like travel time are minimized you cannot rely on someone being able to work and care for a child at the same time on a regular basis.
I think that is the biggest thing- it really just doesn’t FIT with anything else. I really feel for some weird reason he felt that in order for this book to really be about the passage from child to adult sex has to be involved SOMEHOW... and this is what he came up with. Then, even though it has nothing to do with…
I think that was sort of the point. We really aren’t supposed to be 100% sure, maybe her father is a monster and she’s convinced herself it’s It to survive; maybe it is as she says and It was behind that horrible experience. She’s a bit of an unreliable narrator on that which works overall for the story and for the…
I think a lot of us who read that book while on the younger side didn’t react much. I know for me the whole idea of sex and everything was still such an abstract concept around the age of ten- I was old enough to know what was happening, but not old enough to have any kind of context for it so I just sort of glossed…
“I broke so many bones!” I laughed out loud at that.
Trying to be Kind: The best thing you can do right now is to not try to be friends with Jenny in any way. Maybe WAY down the road that can happen, but not now. You don’t need to be an asshole, obviously, but the best thing you can do for her is get out of her way completely, don’t be in her life for her to readily…
The one who is a minor? Absolutely off limits. I would even say if the kid is still in school of any kind and keeping more or less to themselves, leave them alone.
And yet, for all of his scrambling and apologizing he never once addressed the fact that he shouldn’t have had his phone out in the movie theater or apologized for presumably annoying everyone around him. Which is what he was called out for in the first place.
Ah, right, Nanny G! Thanks! Yes! Dude, she is so amazing with the physical humor in those scenes. I die.
I fall asleep to Fraiser most nights. The Nanny McFee episode is so good. It’s all her carrying it too.
Yeah, this is what I think the main point was intended to be but ended up getting muddled. I am a while woman who was raised in a racist, misogynistic society. There is absolutely no way I come out of that unscathed or uninfluenced, mostly in ways I won’t ever consciously notice.
But this isn’t referring to maternity leave, this is “family bonding leave” that kicks in post maternity leave. We don’t know from this article what the maternity leave is. If he is the primary care giver, and honestly even if he isn’t, he should qualify as this isn’t part of the physical recovery leave.
I have a friend of mine who deals with that as an actor. He’s Hawaiian Hapa and he is always told he’s either “not white enough” or “not Asian enough” for roles he auditions for. He was finally slated to audition for a role that specifically said “Male, Hawaiian Hapa, mid 30s” and he was stoked! Then they told him he…
So Maxima and August, as in Agustus? They are just naming our new Empresses, aren’t they?
very well said.
This sounds like the one we went to when I was a kid. The other thing that really stands out in my memory is that the place was DARK. Like, the walls and carpet were dark brown, the lights were not very bright. You could see fine, but it was not in any way bright and nothing at all was white. It was part of what made…
Currently the option is every newspaper covering the story having a camera clicking away during the proceedings. Most courts don’t want that kind of distraction, so they just don’t allow cameras at all.
that’s my go to as well. I’ve used lemon flavored seltzer water at home forever, it makes life a lot easier since i like mine with a twist of lemon but never seem to have lemons in the house.
Shoot, even Robert E. Lee thought building Confederate monuments was a bad idea. The guy on the plinth didn’t want to be there!
If you just out of nowhere deck a guy walking down the street minding his own business and not talking to anyone because he has 88 tattooed on his neck, you aren’t helping anything. If anything, you are allowing this guy to feel justified in his feelings of persecution and victimhood. Plus, you shouldn’t just hit…